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     Is America less safe, less respected, and less able to take the lead in fighting terrorism?  I just read two articles.  One deals with the democratic party filing a lawsuit to complain McCain violated the law when he refused to take public funds.  The other was on the debate were Obama thinks the courts and police are better prepared to deal with fighting terrorism.

     The democrats contention is that in the terms of a loan the bank asked McCain to take public funds if he lost a primary and use those funds as collateral on the loan.  Well, Mr McCain did not loose.  He got more donations, paid of the loan, and no public funds were ever given over to a bank for payment of debt. 

     However, while I was reading the story I was remembering an ABC story that alleged that Obama won his state elections by challenging his opponents in court for procedural missteps.  One example in the story was Obama's campaign challenging the names on a petition in order to have his opponent disqualified.

     The issue to me is simple.  If there were never any public funds turned over to a bank for payment of debt, there is no problem.  However, by this type of  story without merit being in the news it makes McCain appear guilty, which in my opinion is what Obama and company want.  Obama cannot stand on the issues so he is trying to slander McCain.

     Now, on the issue of is America safer, John Kerry has no leg to stand on.  Americans made their mind up and they chose Bush.  Among the reasons were that Kerry sounded very un-American and like he did not understand the threat Sadam posed to the US.


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     Mr. Obama is now following the same road.  I am going to get tired of mentioning William Ayres and Jeremia Wright when writing about Obama.  However, these two people represent a hiding anti-American sentiment in Obama.

     In addition, Mr. Obama referenced the actions taken after the first attack at the world trade center in 1993.  Obama stated we were able to find them and put them in jail were they cannot harm anyone.  This is after the fact.  First, the terrorist attacked.  Then Clinton and company put them in prison.  The damage was already done.

    Another point Obama makes is that America has lost her international reputation as a nation of laws.  I ask which country has the integrity to questions America's commitment to "rights" and "protections"?  Congress gave the president the authority to fight the war on terror.  This means the president can act under the powers of presidential orders.

    If Hillary and the rest did not want the president to detain enemy combatants maybe they shouldn't of given him the authority to fight the war on terror.  The president would not be enacting policies if congress did not give him the power to do so.

     Furthermore, many leaders of nations have come out of their anti-American sentiment.  I would like to say it has to do with respecting the task America has in defending her self against radicals.  However, I know it has more to do with money.

      Many other nations have lost in American tourist dollars.  I personally will never forgive the French, Germans, Canadians, Mexicans, Russians, Chinese, and all the others who chose money over principal in turning their backs on America in her time of need. 

     Again, I contend that if the international community had stood united Osama would of acted in a way to avoid having his country invaded by the US.  However, because of acts of the nations named above Osama felt confident he could stay his road of destruction.

     Today, there is a new Iraq and her destiny is in the hands of people who yearn to be free and in control of their destiny.  Yes, there are challenges ahead.  However, ask the Iraqis if they would rather still be under the tyranny of Osama and his family.

     The plus for America is that Osama is not building who knows what weapon in the shadows and today there are more than 20,000 less terrorists in the world.  I know it is not popular to count deaths.  However, the only good terrorist to me is a dead terrorist.

     Furthermore, terrorism has to de fought in order to prevent, not just arrest after the fact.  People will not like this comments but America was asleep before 9/11 and got her home invaded.   There has been to much "slackerism" in the American worker.  If a grocery stocker doesn't want to stock groceries no one dies from a terrorist attack.  However, when CIA and FBI are just as non-challant about their business then events like 9/11 happen.

     It is my contention that before 9/11 presidents, congress, law enforcement, and citizens were ignoring terrorism.  Everyone knew it existed.  No one wanted to do anything concrete about it.

     Now, Obama wants to turn the country back to that point of inaction and ineffectiveness.  Obama does not realize Mr. Bush had to act in order to prevent, not just arrest.  This is a new world.  Terrorist have shown to what extent they are willing to go to attack the US.

     In my opinion, America has the right to defend her self by any means necessary.  Who stands around waiting to get attacked and does not prepare to defend him or her self?  I would answer only a fool.  Terrorist have not disappeared.  They are still there planning there next attack.  I want an American government that is dedicated to finding every terrorist and destroying it.  No people who would kill a baby's entire family and then throw the child in the garbage deserve any special consideration.

      They are vile savage pigs with not right to life.


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on Jun 18, 2008

Apart from the fact that if the USA pissess of the Islamic world it will do nothing but increase in rate that terrorists are 'created'.

Attacking a series of Islamic countries and constanly threating others is hardly the best way of calming down an already inflamed and sensetive region(s) of the world.

Attacking the country that did harbour the people who attacked you was one thing, attacking another (who were not under the tyranny of Osama) annoyed vast numbers across the world and different types of people.   Over 750 000  marched against the war in London, your major ally in this war and the London tube bombers directly cited the Iraq war as a reason for their actions.  If that happens in the UK try to image what happens in other parts of the world.  Until recently the targets of the major attacks in the world (Spain, the Austrialians in the Bali Bomb, the UK) were all contries that sent troops into Iraq.

Acting like you have a god given right to do what you want to whom you want when you want with no regard for anything or anybody else will just increase the world's view of the USA as a bully nation. 



on Jun 18, 2008
the Austrialians in the Bali Bomb,

This was a dark day in Indonesia... I almost went to Bali for a holiday when the second bomb hit. I seriously don't get why Indonesia was a chosen place when most of the population is Muslim.

on Jun 19, 2008

Easy target.

Most of the victims were not Indonesians and the bar was popular with tourists from the 'westen' world and of the contries who lost most people three out of the top four were members of the Coalition of the willing.

on Jun 19, 2008
Yea easy target. But it was also unexpected. Ah well, don't mean to derail.