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It is tragic what is happening to this country.  During the 1990’s there was a debate over having  the military draft in order that poor minorities  would not be the only ones loosing their lives in wars.  In fact, just as I am writing this article I am remembering that this issue was drop up in the Kerry/Bush election campaigns and at the beginning of military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It is my suspicion that Mr. Obama is attempting to institute the “military draft” for the purpose of making sure that rich well to do children who would go to college and make something of their lives die in wars at the same rate as poor kids whose parents did not give them much sense of life. Now, when you make such a statement, you have to back it up with evidence.  All I have is a carefully crafted rhetorical argument.  We know who democrats are and what they stand for in life.  A good majority of their kind believe it is unfair that poor minorities carry to much of the burden of military service. In addition, many of them believe rich kids should share in this burden.  We also know Obama wants to uplift the underprivileged.  When you gift, college education and career to poor underprivileged minorities troop levels are going to fall.  The military draft would be necessary to make up the loss.  Furthermore, poor underprivileged people have deficiencies in education, health, and attitude. I have heard supporters of Obama’s “civilian defense force” and military draft state it is a way to have the best in the nation serve, i.e. educated, healthy, rich kids with good comportment. Therefore, what you have is Obama transferring one class of people for another “class”.

I am surprised at the extent some people do not understand simple human psychology.  Right now people serve for various personal reasons. Life may of let some with no other choice. However,the majority serve with honor and work hard at accomplishing their personal goals. Force people to serve in free society such the US an morale will suffer and the quality of the fighter will also suffer. It is only natural for resentment and bad attitude to emerge.

The more distressing part is the leadership attitude. Obama has been touting his CIA director’s nomination with statement about world will know the  US does not torture.  I ask who did we torture?  The president when given the power of congress to wage war has the authority and moral obligation to operate war in a manner that will save American lives.  If America does not torture, then Nagasaki and Hiroshima did not happen.  Oh! Wait! They did happen and they were necessary to end WWII.

Let us agree that what people like Sadam do is totally different then what people like Bush do in the performance of his duties.  Ruthless thugs kill and hurt for pleasure and ideology. Morally upright educated individuals look at facts and use the necessary resources to accomplish their goals. I would like to see Obama’s rhetoric on torture if his daughters had been kidnapped and were going to be killed.  I bet he would torture his own mother-in-law to save his daughters.

The bigger problem is attitude.  With the appointment of Panetta and Clinton I am seeing Obama trying to clear the record.  However, from what I understand Germany, France, Italy, and other nations purged them selves of liberals and chose conservative candidates.  If American image in the world was so bad why did so many people of other nations choose conservatives like Bush.  Even the UK,who was supposedly fed up with Blair chose a moderate conservative.

My concern is that when you attack a problem under a false premise you are not really dealing with the issue. I have seen no evidence of any one being tortured by agents of the US government who where given officials orders to torture.  Individuals acted in abusive manners and when discovered where treated to trials, sentencing, and incarceration where appropriate.

Furthermore, I do not consider “water boarding” torture. For those of you, who do not know, water-boarding is the affixing of a person who is laying down to a wooden board, covering his face with a towel, and pouring water over his face in order to illicit the sensation of drowning to death.  The person is never in danger of drowning.  Now before you ask how would I like that to be done to me, I ask under what scenario would an agent of the US government need to do that to me?  People with information that can save American lives should be treated in any manner necessary to extract that information.  Any president failing to do anything and everything to save American lives in my opinion is morally deficient.  You take care of your own first then you worry about the thugs who are trying to kill you.

My last point is that we are all in danger.  Lack of terrorist attacks on Americans is not evidence that the terrorist have decided to leave America alone. It is only evidence that “preventative measures” are working. A change in attitude and approach to situations such Palestine, Iran, Russia, Venezuela, and other regions with ruthless cut throat people will result in failure to investigate and prevent threats, which will result in American deaths.




on Jan 14, 2009

making sure that rich well to do children who would go to college and make something of their lives die in wars at the same rate as poor kids whose parents did not give them much sense of life.

some people have alotta nerve huh?  what kinda sense does it make to waste the lives of kids whose parents had the good sense to be rich? 

what we oughta do is resinstate monarchy to preserve that noble wealthy gene pool.


Now before you ask how would I like that to be done to me, I ask under what scenario would an agent of the US government need to do that to me?

you're right...i doubt we could pay em to do it if they've been able to restrain themselves so far. still, it would be lotsa fun to watch.


on Jan 14, 2009

With the appointment of Panetta and Clinton I am seeing Obama trying to clear the record.  However, from what I understand Germany, France, Italy, and other nations purged them selves of liberals and chose conservative candidates.  If American image in the world was so bad why did so many people of other nations choose conservatives like Bush.  Even the UK,who was supposedly fed up with Blair chose a moderate conservative. 

Don't forget that a British 'moderate conservative' (and most would dispute that Brown is one anyway) is not the same as a US 'moderate conservative'.

I ask under what scenario would an agent of the US government need to do that to me?

When they get wrong information?  When they miss-indentify you?  When you are in the wrong place at the wrong time?  Any number of things can get people questioned and if torture is allowed then everybody can be subject to it.

 Lack of terrorist attacks on Americans is not evidence that the terrorist have decided to leave America alone. It is only evidence that “preventative measures” are working. 

No it isn't.  It could be either, both or neither of this things.  A lack of terror attacks could be due to preventative measures or the lack of attempts, it is impossible to say without more information.