Drastic political season.
Since, I fear that the political machine is bigger then all of us put togehter, I think I will retire from the political analysis for awhile. Therefore I will write about some things that I have been wanting to say for a while now.
When I was trying to figure out what the worst thing that could come from a Hillary presidency, God told me that He is still in charge of the universe and that means a lot of good things. He added that Hillary may not be what people want but she may be what people need.
On Sunday, I met a person who was in town and the practice of his church is when one travels they should seek out one of their churchs for service. This customer told me that "he had to go to a church when he was away from his home town".
The "had to" got my attention. Being an honest person, I must tell you that I am about as far spiritually from God as a person can get. My life keeps going from worse to worse.
However, I still know that God is real and everything is about him. Therefore, I entered into a conversation with this person. Through out the conversation I kept emphasising the importance of knwoing God and having Him in our everyday life.
My customer was of the philosophy that by following the Bible to the letter a person can know he is saved. This person however, found the idea of having God in a person's life and seeking guidance from God a strange concept.
Even though I was not in my spiritual best, God made His point. We are to serve Him, not the Bible. Now, people may say that following everything in the Bible is serving God.
The point God was making is that if we do not see Him as a real person that is invovled in every second of our lives and do not have a love connection with Him then no amount of Bible reading is going to be enough.
This point is very significant in our current political times. We think we are in charge. I have written about the citizen getting informed and voting. However, I can say that God prefers that we start with Him.
God also reminds me of the prophecy in the book of Revelations. For believers these prophecies are a blessing. For non -believers they are a curse.
However, here we are, having created a horrible world and fearing it will consume us.
Well, we will all die. Between now and then, however, we have a life to live. This life can be one were we can enjoy our life or it can be a life were we are so burden they taxes and stressors put upon on by government that we turn to hate, frustration, and resentment.
To make my point I will let you know about a guest on the Laura-the pinguin-Ingraham talk radio show.
Ms. Ingraham was interviewing a young woman writer who wrote a book on anorexia and bolimia. The thesis of the writer was that young girls (as young as 12 and 13) needed to be allowed not fear developing a sexual indentity.
Now, I know that for many this proposition makes chills run down your spine. However, if you look at liberal/democrat social policy intiatives ideas such as these writer is promoting are being also promoted by poloticians.
One of the things I find interesting about people who comment on my articles, besides their immature personal attacks, is that they pay a lot of attention that I was brought in to this country by my parents when I was four with out "papers' and that I drive a taxi.
The Bachelor of Arts from SCUPS in Santa Ana, CA. and the Bachelor of Science from Liberty University they do not pay much attention to. However, I mention this point here just to validate my undersatnding of human psychology, which at least is at four year college level.
In my opinion, Anorexia and Bolimia have nothing to do with young girls not being able to find their sexual indentity. They may be psychological illness' that are generated by disfunctional relationships between parent and child that give the message to the child that in order to be loved they must have a certain body type.
Well, the point is that I find this writer who was interview by Laura to be manipulating "Quazi" science. In addition, many politicians listen to these so-called scientist and try to formulate social policy based on the conclusions of these scientists.
I find no value for a person to become sexuall active at 11.
I heard a Christian actvist in social policy give a grocery list of consequences from government liberal policies. She mentioned unwed mothers, teen age pregnancy, lack of direction, low self esteeem, and others.
Our sociey has become morosely preoccupied with sex. This has more to do with the spiritual distance between the individual and God. Though many think sex is a natural act and healthy sexual expression is okay, I would tell young people that before they pursue sexual exploration try and find the person who is living their sexual freedom and is satisfied with his or her life.
In my 40 years I have not found that person in all the people I have talked to. I have talked to people claiming they are happy with their lives, yet they confess a serious disatisfaction they try to control with drugs, alcohol, and sex.
Moreover, when I started this BLOG I wanted to share my philosophy about life in order to help those struggling. Somehow, this BLOG has become more about politics then mental health.
However, if you read some of my earlier articles you will see the question, "If your philosophy of life is so great, why is your life not so great?"
The simple answer is that everything life has taught you is wrong. A short while ago I wrote about finding peace in life by appreciating what you have. Again my immature critics made statements such "Oh yeah like appreciating what you have is all you need?"
Actually, yea, appreciating what you have is all you need. I told the customer who I spoke with on sunday that when I was a formal student of psychology I measured everything with mental health science.
God, however, has shown me that everything is related to Him, which includes personal satisfaction. Want to be joyful? Then get with God, accept the purpose He has for you, and work in your Christian mission with a melody in your heart.
Therefore, even though this political season may look drastic, be grateful for your health, your job, your home, God, and confront the challenges of life with a healthy perspective."