opinion pages and articles on the beauty of life: friendship, family, love, romance, marriage, parenting, etc...
He shares so we can work for a peaceful ife
Published on March 11, 2004 By jesseledesma In Personal Relationships
It is encouraging that God is in charge. For a while I have been concerned about the destiny of the human race being that currently I see the human experience in a critical crisis.

I have never been a person who looks at the negative. I have been negative. However, I am not negative in spirit. This is why I believe in self-determination.

I also know that in all of us is a pilot light of faith that guides us in the correct way. That is why even though we exhibit bad behaviors we yearn for the good.

There in lies the hope for humanity. God put that pilot light in each of His human creations. Though the world may not survive those that follow God's plan will be rewarded with everlasting life.

This may be words that cause dissatisfaction in some. However, God is not trying to ruin your day. In fact He is trying to make your day.

I am a firm believer that God's wisdom is a better tool to manage life. It is unfortunate that so many have chosen to turn a blind eye towards God.

However, I am encourages that He is there, working for the betternent of humanity. In HIm we all have hope. Those that hear and listen to His voice will be the fortunate ones.

In additioon, I ask you what are you holding on to. Is your sad miserable state that important to you? Well it has to have some value for you. Why else would you hold on so tight to it?

That is one of my biggest confusions. Why is that people choose to suffer when they don't have to? Spirit is a mind thing. I believe all you have to do is think yourself happy.

I have written on valuing yourself and taking care of yourself. It is not hard. I personally believe that we are to spoiled and soft. For some reason we have gotten the idea we are entitled to a perfect life.

Again I say that we are entitled to the life we earn. Moreover, all we really have to do is be comfortable with what we have.

In retrospect we are very fortunate. We have the ability to work to earn what we want. We have unlimited access to information. Therefore, we don't have an excuse for not knowing how to balance our emotions and our bank books.

Outside of being harassed by law enforcement officer now and then we live a relatively peaceful life. I beieve that it is not until we beging to practice behaviors we view in movies that we experience angst and pain. Here I am talking about antagonistic behaviors towards our neighbor.

I continue to see adults, whether woman or man, give each other dirty looks with the intent of provoking a fight. Several days ago two males were fist fighting in front of the apartment building where I live. All of this I have seen before in a movie. Both of them putting each other down trying to show they are better than the other.

The sad reality is that I heard children crying in the background for their parents to stop. These children's horror touched my heart. I do not believe that children should suffer so much, especially at the hands of such bad parents,

That is why I come here. I like to share the love that God gives me. I believe that we can make our lives better by changing our attitude.

Moreover, I know there is a lot to gain from having God in our lives. The choice is yours to make.

Keep being lead by the hate the world markets or give yourself a break and begin working for a peaceful life.

on Mar 11, 2004
One story is worth a thousand sermons. Tell us your story.
on Mar 11, 2004
One story is worth a thousand sermons. Tell us your story

That's right:)
