opinion pages and articles on the beauty of life: friendship, family, love, romance, marriage, parenting, etc...
Cold Dark World.

Thunder echoes around us.

Wind blows the heat from our bodies as debris and foliage moves around us.

We stand frightened in shock. Our faces are pale, with a pathetic wanting look.

There are no any ideas or expectations. In our disdain for life, we have an indignant stance.

Never again will we dream or desire.

Instead, we stand in front of people as they speak. Now and then, we nod and make a smile.

When we are, alone we look forward. We will look any direction, as long as we do not have to look with in.

Introspection brings us close to a reality we all ready know and that scares us.

We are not capable of dealing with life and watching life go bye as we long for a piece of it is maddening.

This is what drove us crazy and first place. In addition, it is the reason we prefer this cold and dark jungle that is filled with scary beast.

To this beast we are just stones and they do not eat stones. That is why they sit around us with out fear.

What they cannot figure out is where is the source of our warmth and why are we so far away from this source?

If they had reason, they would understand that we turned of the control of our furnace a long time ago.

A monster entered the room, scared us, and we turned cold.

Never again will we let the heat from life burn us.

We prefer a cold dark world.

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