opinion pages and articles on the beauty of life: friendship, family, love, romance, marriage, parenting, etc...
Environment does matter.

In addition, the most important environment is the environment in your head. This is the environment of ideas, thoughts, emotions, and sensations.

Here, is where we analyze the world according to what experience has taught us. This is also the place where we build walls to surround our suffering.

Yes, that is correct, for some people life is not a complete festival. These people live an experience of torturous emotions and defeating thoughts.

As much as they want something different they cannot find the way to get there.

The solution to this challenges is composed of time, patience, and meditation.

It is important to get in touch with the inapropriate thoughts that are leading to torturous emotions.

Moreover, the secret is not freedom from feeling guilty or living a life without pricinpals or scruples.

Fooball stadiums can be filled with people who are doing everything they want without anyone telling anything different and still they are not happy.

I believe we were built with a purpose and the necessary physical and mental resourcecs needed to fullfill this purpose.

In my opinion, since our best behaviors lead to happiness, then happiness is our purpose. Family, friends, and a spouse are the tools we suppose to use to find happiness.

Our dreams, goals, and aspirations are other tools that we can use.

Of course, it makes no sense to offer any helpful information if the reader is not in the mood to accept the information.

This is why I say that information has intellectual meaning as well as emotional meaning. Information is emotionally significant when we can see the value of it.

That is why any person who finds himself or herself livign a life he or she does not want has to get emotionally in touch with a different way of thinking.

Your new thought should be about your true value and your capacitiy to meet the challenges of life.

In addition, you should build a life with ideas that are consistant with your ideas of decency and fairness.

The rest is all work. Going from hating your existance to loving life is a major extreme.

There will be a lot of negative people trying to pollute your mind with their defeatous philosophies.

It will be your job to stay on task and not compromise your new healthy and positive perspective.

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