Messing up immigration reform
It has been quiet some time since I wrote last. It is just that no matter how much I set goals, life interferes.
Today, I have on my mind the American voter and the American congress. I am thinking of the American congress because of the mess they are making of the so called “immigration reform”.
It appears to me that congress is going to reward illegal immigrants instead of requiring compliance to American immigration law. I heard on NPR this morning that high school students who do not have the legal right to be in the USA were meeting with elected officials.
The focus of the meeting was their hardship story of graduating with good grades but not being able to move forward in their education because of lack of money and the limitations of attending a university when they do not have the legal right to be in the USA.
Now I am not going to say that there are not hardships. However, to me these students’ hardships look more self-imposed to me. No one forced them to come to this country illegally.
Last week I saw a news story that homes down my argument. This news story was on the increase of crime in Mexico. The story that got my attention was about some one cutting of the heads of two police officers and sticking them on the fence post of a jail in Mexico as a warming not to mess in their drug business.
This is my point exactly. A large part of Mexico’s population relocates to the USA. As it is, people do not vote in Mexico either. Now there are going to be less people voting. This will lead to more wanton lawlessness in Mexico. Eventually this lawlessness will spill over to the USA.
I would fix the immigration problem by helping Mexican citizens understand the need for them to work at making their country what they want it to be in this world.
I do not understand why Mexicans will risk life and limb to make it to the USA but they wont put the same effort in finding a way to financially survive in Mexico.
I would like to ask every one how in a country people say there are no opportunities people are able to save $2,000 to $5,000. These are the amounts of money people crossing in to the USA come with in their pockets. How long would it take you to save this kind of money?
It would take me about a year and a half and with some difficulty. I think if you the majority of the people coming to America are coming with all this money there has to be some way to earn money in Mexico.
Some people might say, “Well their relatives working in America send them the money”. All this week I have been listening to Hispanics activist talking about how studies prove that illegal immigrants do not take jobs from Americans.
Okay if they do not take jobs then relatives in the USA do not have money to send. Therefore, people from Mexico must be earning the money they use to pay a coyote and travel in through Mexico, a country with supposedly no opportunities. Some thing is not right here.
Are there jobs in Mexico or are there no jobs in Mexico? Do illegal immigrants take jobs from Americans or do not they?
I say they do. I know people who have lost their jobs because illegal immigrants using a family members social security card and residency passports were willing to work for less money.
Well in the end, I sense that elected officials are going to save their political bacon and hogtie the American taxpayer with the bill. These self-serving politicians will be able to do this because the average American citizen is not motivated to vote and put the fear of God in to their elected officials.