God, Life, and Jesus Christ
I have been thinking about what could be the most honest act I could take to set as a direction for the rest of my life. It has been a difficult question to answer.
I could find a job in what I got a degree in at any cost; even moving to another city or I could find an honorable way to live.
Outside of a paycheck, I do not know what purpose at job would serve in life. Not to mention a worker is not left alone to do his job. There are to many dysfunctional humans who want to make life miserable for their coworkers.
Then there is the question of what contribution would I actually be making to the human race as a whole?
Listen to me carefully; you are in charge of your life. There is no hidden evil force interfering in your life.
I write the last statement because I think it is sad to think about how many people are their own worst enemies.
God started life. He wants something from us all. I would say that the only true fulfillment in life is knowing God and the place He needs us in life.
This is what I have learned after two college degrees and thirty years of meditating on life. It is my earnest hope that people become in touch with God. I see a lot of potential happiness and comfort in this happening.
I am concerned that to many people had adopted the modern way of looking at God as not being real. I can tell you He is very real.
In addition, I know that happy people with some thing to loose get out and vote. In my opinion, the majority of social ills are the result of people not getting involved.
I wish we had more heart and human kindness. Lately Christ’s saying “what profits a man if he gains the world but looses his soul”.
I would say that is us today. We are so busy trying to make money that we forget to love the people around us.
The strange thing is I see this as a horrible existence. However, God tells me to remind people to be joyful.
“The world will bring you tribulation. Be of good cheer. I have over come the world.”
To me this means that yes there is a lot stressing us out but this does not mean that we have to loose our joy. We will never fix this world. This does not mean that we should not get involved.
We should vote and help people were we could help them. We should also have a joyful life.
Think of every thing you have and you do not enjoy because you are stressing out in life.
Life is short. Most of it we waste by not being aware of what our life is and not appreciating what we have.
Now I know life sometimes is a lot more complicated then just being happy and enjoying what we have.
I also know we can make the necessary changes for our life to be what we want it to be.
In my opinion the best thing you can do for yourself is open you heart to God, repent of your sins, ask for forgiveness, and Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior.
If you have taken these actions then began to enjoy the blessings of God. He is not against you and He is not doing things to make you suffer. Therefore, do not torture your self and love life.
I guess I am still confused about the most honorable act I can take. For a long time I have lived by feeling as well as living.
To me life does not make any sense if we do not have heart for what we are doing. Sometimes, however, even if we do not feel it we have to act just because it is the right thing to do.
For me this would be continuing to talk about God, life, and Jesus Christ.