Citizen not policing elected offiicials
Today’s point of meditation is on is the break up of the American family really the thing that will ruin America.
I say no. To me what is ruining America is the immature and disinterested attitude of the average American.
I see this happening because of how far removed the average person is from God.
We are making a mess of things. The more we think education and work can get us what we want the less and less we need God.
See, to me, the average person grows up in close proximity to a parent or parents but does not have frank conversations on the big issues with this parent or parents. Consequently they get a skewed vision of the world.
The result is a person who is emotionally traumatized and/or emotionally repressed.
This person has a very superficial perspective of how the world works and consequently makes many mistakes. Some of these mistakes are children and bad marriages. Other mistakes are being to involved with his or her own life to make a positive contribution to this country by voting.
This is what I think will result in the demise of America.
It is very easy for politicians to lie to people who are not paying attention. In addition, it is even easier for self-interested and ambitious politicians to make a mess of a country when the citizens are not watching or policing their elected officials.