I do not believe voting republican will help in the congressional elections of 2006.
I see a political system that has become all about politicians lying to get in to office in order to disregard the citizen while they hustle some pay back for them selves.
When I was thinking about the dilemma the American people have about who to put in congress in 2006 I can to three conclusions.
One, people need to get out and vote.
Two, people need to run voter registration drives.
Three, voters need to start looking around in circle of acquaintances and nominate people they think would be good servants of the public trust.
I do not respect democrats.
They want your children getting abortions with out you knowing about it.
They want everyone hooked on drugs.
They believe the people who sacrifice to succeed should pay for the ones that are too lazy to work.
They want everyone poor and on social security.
They want to destroy the Christian church.
Having said this, I do not see republicans any better. To many so-called republicans have no back bone and make policy decision based on polls reported by the news media.
I wonder who has better approval numbers President Bush or the American news media.
I give my vote to the president.
In addition, I encourage the American citizen to not let this time of political sluggishness be America’s last legacy.
Everything that has always had value still has value and life needs protectors.