We are all under God's System of Justice
This blog entry is on teaching about the homosexual lifestyle to public school children in the public schools.
I will start with the following two quotes.
The bill requires that California public schools teach students in all grades about the “contributions” that homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals have made to society. Further the bill requires that schools buy textbooks that highlight these positive contributions. The bill is currently at the committee stage.
In every subject throughout the day, the bill mandates that the homosexual subjects be brought up. Children as young as six and seven will be told that homosexuality, and other alternative sexual “lifestyles” are not only acceptable, but a genuine social demographic with a definable set of heroes.
The above two quotes were taken from the article listed below:
Dobson Urges Parents to "Rise Up" Against Homosexualization of Children in Schools
Cites California Senate bill mandating homosexualization of all school curricula
by Hilary White
Friday April 21, 2006
What about this topic today is as I was shaking my brain like crazy hoping an idea to write on would fall out I went to the focus on the family web site to see what their daily radio program was on. It was the second part of a health and medical report.
Before the show, the co host announced that the California legislature was considering a bill that would require that all public school levels teach about the contributions gays, lesbians, and transgender have made to society.
My first comment is in defense of Mr. Dodson. He gets criticized a lot by the mainstream media and far left groups because of his activism in support of the wholesome American family.
I think what people do not get is that Mr. Dodson is speaking from the heart, trying to share the love of God he has found and he knows to be the fountain of all things good.
My second point is for the people who say we are just a bunch of haters of alternative lifestyle. The only person I have control over is my self. I am not gay, nor do I have an interest in friendships with gays or romances with gays.
The Bible speaks clearly on sin.
1Cr 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
1Cr 6:10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
This basically means that no one who is in a life of sin will be going to heaven. We Christians see salvation as coming from proclaiming that we believe in Jesus and have accepted him as our lord and savior.
The test of being saved is what Jesus said,” …and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.” This basically means followers of Christ know his voice (the Bible) and willing follow him (adhere to the law).
Now, accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior is a matter of heart and mind. A person must love Christ and know who Christ is in the world. Christ is the one that died on the cross for all sins and if not for him, there would be no hope for humanity if not for his sacrifice.
Okay now to my spiritual point. Accepting Christ must be sincere and honest and heart filled and a person would know that he or she is truly saved by their willing obedience to the teachings of the Bible.
Don’t worry we Christians know we are not perfect and are not claiming to be perfect. We will sin. However, we will also feel remorse, come back to the father, and let Him help us to be stronger.
No one who has no remorse and who has completely given themselves over to their sin can say they know Christ and not knowing Christ means after death they will spend eternity in hell.
Now it is God who tells us what is sin. God says in Leviticus 18:22 (KJV): "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination."
The Bible also says Christ was criticized for eating with thieves and prostitutes. Well this was his purpose. As Christ said, “the healthy do not need a doctor. I have not come to condemn but to save.”
Therefore, even though homosexuals or any one else want to believe they have the right to decide for them selves what behaviors they will practice the truth is that we are all under God’s system of justice.
Now as far as the actions of the California legislature on this matter, I think if they approve this measure they are an abomination.
I wanted to be a PhD in psychology, but I only got to BS.
What I have learned in my studies is that it is unhealthy for a child to be introduced to elements of sex before they can handle all the emotions, sensations, and ideas.
I see no need to have a discussion about human sexuality with a six year old. In addition, I do not know how you are going to avoid talking about sex when your subject will ly be about people who have different sexual behavior.
Homosexuality is not an alternative lifestyle. It is an alternative sexual lifestyle. A person is defined as homosexual if he or she is sexually attracted to people of their same gender.
My next point is one of a bigger implication then human health. Where does government get of telling me what morality I will teach my child? The public education environment is about math, science, English, American history, and my favorite subjects; sleeping and lunch.
Let me speak bluntly. If I had a child I would not want her or his teacher to be gay. If I had a wife; I would not want her ob-gyn to be a lesbian.
I would never take a child of mine to a gay doctor.
You know this idea that “it takes a village to raise a child” brings me to think that I do not want Hillary Clinton’s grimy little fingers on any children I might have.
This is politics at its worst and it is everything I have being yelling at. People you need to stand up to this stuff.
I am sorry there are parents who do not teach their children not to point and make fun of people. I am even more sorry there are people who think it is okay to tie homosexuals to trucks and drag them around.
Yes there are evil people in the world. This fact does not give any one the right to interfere with a child’s healthy development and it does not give government to start moralizing to people’s kids.