I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we are all going to hell in a hand basket.
I acquired my sense of American politics like everyone else; looking at news stories.
For a time I thought that there was no way any could have a more cynical opinion of politicians and politics them I.
I think I still hold my crown. However, ever sense revelations of a republican politician trying to get his groove on with a 17 year old page can to light I have been hearing all the talking heads go on and on how disgusted they are with politicians.
Let me say for the most part their anger is probably justified. After all, the politician in office chooses to be blown in the white house or try to seduce 17 year olds.
However, the way I see it if you leave children alone in the candy store don’t be surprised if you have to come back and clean up a lot of vomit.
A person once told me that saying we have to follow politicians every second of their day was unreasonable. This person went on to say that we should be able to trust that they would behave ethically.
Well all I have ever seen of politicians is them trying to take advantage of system and of the citizen.
Now when I think of politics, I realize it is not the childish politicians trying to gobble up as much candy as they can who is the problem. I say it is the stupid parent that left the stupid child alone in a candy store who is the problem.
Politicians are human and subject to the same rules as us. Let he who is with out sin throw the first stone.
We should not be surprised by what can be considered immoral behavior by politicians when we are not saints.
Now I know all of you who work to get people elected and who actually vote are probably measuring for my coffin right now.
My comments are not for the ones who are involved and who vote. I am talking to the other 67% or so who have fallen in to slop and love rolling around in it.
You want to see a country that has no fear of its citizens and I will show you Mexico. The drug dealers run the country, the politicians are conspiring with them, and the citizen brings out his/ or her burrito carts every morning to try to get some of the “narcos” money. My point is that everyone does business with drug dealers because they are the ones with money.
Now do you non-voting citizen want to wake up one morning in America and realize that you are surrounded by bloodthirsty drug dealers?
Well keep paying more attention to setting your DVD recorder to record steaming movies on Showtime and you will find your selves surrounded by criminals.
Oh and by the way, keep your criticism. One thing I am tired of is all the children who only know how to spew bad words.
If you disagree with me then show a better argument.
My argument is that all of us deserve what the politicians dish out because we are to interested in our own perverted lives to get involved.