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Imus just said what every one else says.
Published on April 10, 2007 By jesseledesma In Current Events
I think it that it is horribly wrong to judge a person in a negative way just because he does something every day people do everyday.

In my opinion, Mr. Imus just used words that I am sure those basketball players from Rutgers, their coaches, the school adminsitrators, and many others use on a regualr basis.

In addition, if the african-american civil rights movement is going to vest its argument of oppression and discrimination by a WASP maojirty on the comments of a fool, then ,in my opinion, the civil rights movement in america is dead.

on Apr 10, 2007
That's the most vapid argument I've ever heard. "Oh, people say this kind of stuff every day, why should he get in trouble for saying it?"

Imus is a symptom of a much larger problem - unbridled bigotry. And that's what seems to refuse to die here in America. BFD if someone else says this stuff everyday, that doesn't make Imus' comment right.

That, and he's always been a total crock of shit.
on Apr 10, 2007
Imus the "thinking man's shock jock."

What a maroon...
on Apr 10, 2007
Imus the "thinking man's shock jock."

Maroon is right . . .
on Apr 10, 2007

Nothing is going to make Imus's comments right, or worse those of his producer (who seems to be avoiding the direct glare/impact of the fuss that has ensued),  but that shouldn't take away from Jesse's point -- a very valid one -- that the comments that were made are far less hateful and far less detrimental to women than the comments made in a lot of rap and hiphop music that is blared quite loudly by some fairly ignorant individuals that seem to feel they have to share it with everyone around them.

If people are truly serious about removing these words and thought patterns from society then they really must eradicate them all around and not simply pick and choose targets of an opposing color to make the fuss about.  It is absolutely foolish and ignorant that we should be asked to ignore rappers and hiphop artists using these words (and worse) as they reclaim these words, turn their meaning, blah, blah, blah.  There's no excuse for them to be used *anywhere*, period, end of sentence.

Lets see Al Sharpton and others that are leading the fight do as Bill Cosby has in taking the users of these words to task, regardless of their race, creed, color, sex, sexual preference, etc.

on Apr 10, 2007
Lets see Al Sharpton and others that are leading the fight do as Bill Cosby has in taking the users of these words to task, regardless of their race, creed, color, sex, sexual preference, etc.

I agree with your statement, but this is nothing like what Jesse said. He simply said that Imus shouldn't be punished "just because he does something every day people do everyday."

Terp, your argument is valid; Jesse's is vapid.

And, I maintain, Imus has always been a crock of shit.
on Apr 10, 2007
Yeah, Imus is terrible. Just like when he was on the air saying that if the hurricane victims in New Orleans were white instead of black they would have received help faster. What a bigot.
on Apr 11, 2007
Leave the man alone! I stopped listening to Imus decades ago. The last funny thing he did was 1200 hamburgers. If a man insults a person and no one listens to him was there really an isnult?
on Apr 11, 2007
Yeah, Imus is terrible. Just like when he was on the air saying that if the hurricane victims in New Orleans were white instead of black they would have received help faster. What a bigot.

This is the reason he and his sick humor has been allowed to run for so many years. He almost always suppored the left so he almost always got a pass from them and when it comes to the media that is a big thing.