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Bush should also make Iraqis...
Published on May 11, 2007 By jesseledesma In Politics
It is not wrong to support an ally. Right now Iraq is a country with a president, parliament, and security forces. This country’s government at any time can ask the Americans to leave.

Now there are fears of all out sectarian violence and Al Qaeda interference in Iraq if the Americans do pull out. Sunnis hate Shiite and Shiite hates Sunni. The Middle East is largely divided in Shiite and Sunni. The fear is that when the Iraq Sunnis and Shiite go at it the other countries with Shiite and Sunni will join the fight.

Of course the real obvious question is “if the possibility of Shiite and Sunni in the Middle East going at each other’s throats exist why hasn’t it happened by now?” Outside of Iraq I do not see anywhere else in the Middle East where Sunnis and Shiite are trying to cut each other’s heads off.

The way I see it neither Sunni nor Shiite wants a stable Iraq government that can facilitate a free market economy. They cannot control the oil revenues when a strong free government exists in Iraq.

In my opinion, there will be no end to violence until the Iraq government stands up and throws radical Shiite and Sunnis to the ground. Americans can send all the soldiers they want. In my opinion, this just emboldens the violent Shiite and Sunni to act violently. The perception is not we are destroying free Iraqi government. We are fighting the invaders. Hence they are able to keep the support of the average Abdullah in Iraq.

Second, Al Qaeda in Iraq states they are in Iraq just to fight the Americans. The more Americans are there the more Al Qaeda will come.

Now, the statement that we are better off fighting Al Qaeda in Iraq instead of on American shores may sound good. Who would argue against this point?

However, if the reality is that if the Americans leave Al Qaeda fighters will leave Iraq then Americans are morally obligated to leave Al Qaeda. It is unfair for Iraqis to take the brunt of the Al Qaeda attacks just so the Americans can kill Al Qaeda fighters.

For me the better solution is for the Americans to find out from where are these Al Qaeda fighters coming from and go there to fight these them. The rest of the solution is for the Iraqi government to go after any and all militants trying to fuel instability.

Now what are the president’s options? Regardless of the medias opinion I say the president is winning this “troop funding” battle with congress. Every rational person can see how democrats and republicans in congress are using this “troop funding” battle for political purposes. Pelosi and company can only beat this dead horse for so long until when people become turned off by their ugly displaced rebellion against the president. I think this has already happened.

The enemy in Iraq can see that George Bush is not going to back down. Now what do these supposed warriors of god got to look forward to? Sunni, Shiite, and Al Qaeda fighters for instability and chaos define victory as the Americans leaving with their tails between their legs. The democrats, weak republicans, and liberal news media are working hard at handing this defeat to the Americans. However, five years later the President is more determined than ever to continue the fight.

Good for him. It was right to depose Saddam. One once of any weapon Saddam had manufactured could of cause serious harm to American society. Having been the reason for the insurgent violence and Al Qaeda violence in Iraq America was obligated to help an ally and partner.

It is also right to finish the mission. Because of militant and radical people who want instability in democracies so they can impose their tyrannical rule based on a rigid religious structure the American soldier is going to be called on a lot to defend Americans and American interest. Americans can leave Afghanistan and Iraq and the militants will still exist. In addition, these militants still have plans of attacking America.

Therefore, America has to help Iraq stomp out Sunni and Shiite violence and Al Qaeda violence in Iraq. The president has to stand his ground against this miserable congress. He also has to get the Iraqis to the forefront of the battle against Shiite/Sunni insurgency and Al Qaeda violence. People like Mutada Al Sadr have to be captured and executed. In addition, the president has to set the military to go and find Al Qaeda fighters from their originating point.

on May 11, 2007
The US doesn't *have* to do shit.

Let them kill each other.
on May 11, 2007
If you look at history most nations seem to go through violent bloodbaths pretty regularly (ie 100-300 years in a millennia) and come out the better for it - more just, more generous, in summary all-round better global citizens. I'm not so sure the modern mania for 'saving' nations from themselves is such a good thing.
on May 13, 2007

Africa being the exception, of course.

Europeans pretty much fucked up the whole region with their colonies. When foreigners will stop supporting petty dictators for natural ressources, things will become to improve.

And I'd say, if Iraqi's population wants the U.S. to leave, who are the U.S. to tell them it's not their decision to make?
on May 14, 2007
The US doesn't *have* to do shit.

Let them kill each other.

I have to second that. I tire of this " we have to do things cause we are the superpower" crap. Damned if we don, damned if we don't, I say we don't.