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Mexicans have to solve Mexicos problems in Mexico
Published on June 28, 2007 By jesseledesma In Politics
Well before I start let me apologize and congratulate everyone that stopped that runaway freight train of an immigration bill.

You kow when you just want to wallow in your own self pitty but you are just not in the mood. Well today started out that way. However, my distraction from what I call my miserable existance is conservative talk radio.

This is not because I am part of the "movement". Though as a person trying to get straight with God I should not say this I consider Rush, Laura Ingraham, and Bill O'riely three of the most stupid people I have ever heard spew their diatribe. In addition, I must say that though I consider Rush a brain dead person I do like his passion and sincerity.

If all three of the previously mentioned person were in a river drowning as I was walking by, Rush is the one I would save. If there was still time to save the other two, I would throw a big rock at both of them.

However, my purpose here is not to criticize or promote radio talk show host. I will do that a latter date. What I want to talk about here today is the word honor.

Ms Ingraham, who I despise, said something very promiment today. She was going on about what all this immigration business was all about. She concluded it is about what is right and wrong.

I say she is right. It is wrong for people to violate the borders of another country and take advantage of the resources of that country.

Every single one of us-including politicians- needs to search our concious and follow the moral code of conduct.

I am constantly telling people that I am not a criminal because I am afraid of been caught and put in jail. I am not a criminal because I was not taught by my culture, family, and friends to be a criminal.

Every person entering this country outside the rules knows they are violating the laws of this country. Let me tell you that the humanitarian perspective is correct. If they do not come here and work, they and their children will starve to death. Even in this modern world Mexico is still a very poor nation.

The average daily wage is the equivalant of $3.50 american money. I bought two burritos today for lunch that cost me around four twenty. To me that was like 4% of my daily income. In fact I do not believe that any american could make on four dollars a day.

However, as much as this may break a persons heart, one has to look at the contributing factors. For many years the easy answer has been to escape to America in order to earn enough to feed their families.

I can tell you as a person from Mexico that Mexico has an adundance of natural resources. There are parts of Mexico that you can be walking down the streets and pikcing fruits of the trees that grow naturally on walk ways. Mexico sells oil to Americans. There is a lot of lumber and two big coast to take advantage of as sea food industries.

The problem in Mexico is good old fashioned greed and corruption. Business people pay as little as possible to the worker and buy of politicians so the politocos wont right laws that can help the worker earn a better wage. To make a point, I can tell you that some public school teachers drive taxi cabs after their school is over just to make it.

When you speak of this corruption most mexicans knod their heads up and down in agreement. However, what they also are in agreement is that it is not worth confronting goverment or big business in Mexico. Therefore, the problem of there not being enough good paying jobs in Mexico will never change.

Another big problem is that for many years people in Mexico got used to growing fruits and vegetables on their land and raising animals on their land also. They would eat what they needed and sell the rest at some local market. Then the world changed and agriculture stopped being the way to sustain a life. Direct American governmental interferance in the internal political workings of Mexico has resulted in Mexico going from an agriculture economy to an industrial economy, in my opinion.

The honor part in all of this is that no matter were we find our selves we always have to maintain our honor an dignity. I studied, got a degree, and no one wants to give me a job. Does this mean I can loose my morality and start taking to robbing banks. The answer to that question is no.

Therefore, even though Mexico is runned by crooks and drug dealers that does not mean that Mexican citizens can make a mochary of America.

I have been asking this question a lot of the peope I debate on the issue here in my home town. " Why is at that Mexicans can risk life and limb crossing in to the USA but not risk the same life an limb to make their county what they want it to be?"

Therefore, in closing, I have to be honorable by recognizing that American policy has created a population of people who have been brainwashed in to believing that the way to make in this world is to violate the borders of your nieghbors country and trying to be empathetic of their troubles without loosing the reality that I cannot solve the problems of everyone.

I feel greatly for all the people who are starving. I also know that the way to run a effective country is by encouraging the people who have the most to loose, the citizen, to work to provide for him/her self and respect his/her neighbors boundaries.

In closing, I ask "if today mexico is a pool of crime and corruption, what will it be tommorrow if Americans do not make them grow up and realize that Mexican problems in Mexico have to be solved by Mexicans in Mexico."

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