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Responsibility belongs to all of us.
Published on July 23, 2007 By jesseledesma In Politics
Who are the people of a nation? What are these people suppose to represent? I believe that all people of a nation are responsible for the conditions of that country.

Even though I am a Christian I am not dominated by the idea of the inherent evil in man. God said let us make them in our image. To me God is good and has put His goodness in everyone to recognize which is the right way and which is the wrong way.

Therefore, it is not a substantial excuse to say that nothing works so it is better not to try. All of the conditions in the world from the children being killed in the streets of Brazil to the public school children in American experiencing their first orgies at thirteen are due to people failing to meet their responsibilities. Sorry for the harsh imagery, but you really do not know your children.

In addition, we are not excused from our responsibilities just because there is corruption in the world. In my opinion, the average person in Iraq needs to stand up and act against the troublemakers regardless of the price.

We know what bad people will do. The more we refuse to act the more they will continue to think they run the world. This stands true in Iraq and it stands true in America.

The last immigration debate in America of the year 2007 showed just how much distain the elected official has for the American citizen.

We are at end of July 2007 and we can see the democrats thirst for the blood of the president.

I will always say that it was right to invade Iraq. You do not allow a tyrant such as Sadam to run free knowing that there are evil pigs like Al Qaeda members looking for weapons to use to harm Americans. One United Nations of 1996 documented very well how many chemical and biological weapons Sadam had. Tell me why does anyone need 600 tons of “biotoxin”?

Here’s another question. Would members of Al Qaeda work at getting their hands by any means necessary on at least a small amount of those 600 tons? I say they would.

Morever, I don’t want to hear, “ well how did Sadam get the biotoxin”. How does the serial killer get the gun he uses to kill? How does the home invader get the kitchen knife he uses to stab his victim to death?

To night some worthless human is going to get behind the wheel of car and kill a child because he is driving intoxicated. See it is not the weapon. It is the person who uses the weapon.

Who should we punish? The person who sold him the car? Maybe the state that gave him a license? I say we string up any and all people who kill people because they were driving under the influence of a substance.

The Americans tried to give a better life to the Iraqis. However, the after effects are interlopers. I have used this word before. In my opinion, Americans have not failed. The Iraqis have failed to stand up for their freedom and demand that politicians, clerics, insurgents, and Al Qaeda stop messing with their right to free determination.

I think it has to do with many years of brain washing that these Iraqis do not know how to be normal and live with out hate in their hearts. This morning I read on a web site that a Mosque was raided because the leader was teaching hatred and it served as training camp for militants.

Moreover, the laundry list against Muslims is long. Muslin parents kill their daughters for having sex before marriage. Women as a whole are considered property of the men in the village. Women are not allowed to drive, vote, got to a university, or even choose their own clothes. When they are reported to be committing adultery, they are dragged in to the Center Square and shot.

Today, I had and interesting thought. They shoot people for adultery but they think that the god they serve is going to reward them with seventy virgins and a golden palace in the after life. Well what are they going to be doing with these so-called virgins? I am sure they plan to have sex with all of them. However, isn’t having sex with more than one partner adultery? Tell me Muslims what kind of god punishes for one thing here on earth yet uses it to reward you in heaven. To me, if it is wrong on earth it has to be doubly wrong in the afterlife.

I say this is a big discrepancy in your faith. Are you sure you are serving the right God.

Granted I am tired of seeing overweight women’s beer belly hanging over their to tight skimpy shorts. However, I would not drag them in to the town square and shoot them.
I just avert my poor eyes that had to be subjected to something so horrible.

However, when it is all said and done society is our problem and responsibility. We cannot just sit by while evil reigns. This means that the regular people of Iraq, who have nothing to gain by a power-agenda, need to stand up and declare war on the lowlifes.

In America, Americans need to stand up and register to vote, and harass the heck out of these elected officials in order for them to respond in the appropriate manner. Those of who pay taxes do not want to be overburdened by the consequences of irresponsible people’s behavior. I have not had any children. Why am I feeding some one else’s? Keep your legs closed and keep it in your pants.

Make sure all entrances and exits in to America are sealed. Help the president meet this challenge of terrorism. Respect the citizen taxpayer. Let people manage their own savings. Stop creating such a decadent public school system that teaches perversion. Put every criminal behind bars for a very long time. Keep companies from polluting and contaminating our air, water, and land. Keep your big noses out of our mailboxes. Furthermore, reward the one making a positive contribution to society and stop giving free rides to people who have not earned anything.

on Jul 24, 2007
Wow, a lot of anger. That's a good thing. We need to start getting angry. We need to start paying attention and start making a difference for ourselves. Our Gov't has turned into a Big Brother/Babysitter and we sit there and take it. We are so busy with American Idol, Hells Kitchen, Deadliest Catch and Ninja Warrior that we fall into the world of reality television and ignore the world around us. Things have gotten so bad that we have had to resort to going after the people in order to get their attention and have them speak their minds by chasing them into the worlds they spend most of their time in. Now a days that would be the Internet. But the same goes for our politicians. They spend so much time catering to the crown in front of them at the moment searching every spare vote they can get that they don't even realize that they switch positions on issues over night while everyone is watching.

But how can we expect our political representatives to be better people when we, the American people, don't even make an effort to be better people ourselves? I have always used the concept of what to do in an airplane when the air masks drop from the ceiling as a way to understand what to do first and foremost. The flight attendance and the videos say before you place the air mask onto anyone around you you must first put it on to yourself. You are no good to anyone (including children) if you don't take care of yourself first.
on Jul 29, 2007
Amen. I think. to CharlesCS1
on Jul 30, 2007