Police behavior, bridge collapse, and more and better options in Iraq
The following quote is from an article on the msnbc web site which only lists the Assocaited Press as the author. The title is L.A. police to video major incidents after clash and subtitled Protest in May leads department to remind officers to stay on best behavior.
"Officials hope the cameras will provide a record of what happened and serve as a reminder for officers to be on their best behavior."
I find the quote interesting because we all know that police everywhere abuse and violate the individual's rights on a daily basis. However, the rank and file of police departments have made it a practice of denying that there are any problems in their departments.
Now, I know that people do not change their behavior. I even suspect that the idea od being watched like prisoners in the state pen cannot be sitting well with officers who think they are given the right to rule the world. This make me wonder if following police officers with video cameras will actually make them better people.
It is bad people in a law enforcement uniform who abuse their authority.
My second thought is on the bridge that collasped in to that river. I think that it must be hard for the injured and their families to find peace through this event when all the people in the media are trying to do is find some one to blame. In addition, I think out of respect for those who are really having to deal with this incident people should calm their rhetoric until all the facts are in from the investigation.
My third point is that the news media is at it again, trying to make Bush look bad. There is a lot of good news coming out of Iraq but all the liberal news media with an agenda can do is look at the bad. This time they are beating the drum of corrupt politics in Iraq.
Demcrats passed through the house of representatives one of the biggest healthcare bills in any ones history just so they can say "see the republicans don't care about" and get votes in 2008.
I think that democrats and the liberal news who spend their time harming America with their vile politics and lies should not be criticising a government that is less than 5 years old. The Iraqis will have to decided what they want.
For now at least the conditions are changing enough in a positive direction for the Iraqis to have more and better options.