Inconsistency over inconsistency
The following are my criticisms of democratic actions as reported in a story that appeared on a Yahoo web site written by Keith Perine, of CQ Today and having “originally appeared in CQ Today.”
The title is Democrats Introduce Censure Resolutions Aimed at Bush, Cheney and Gonzales.
The first point this article makes is “Russ Feingold, D-Wis., introduced the censure resolutions in the Senate on Aug. 4; New York Democrat Maurice D. Hinchey introduced them in the House a day later.” Therefore, we know who the culprits are in this crime.
It goes on to say that “One resolution (S Res 302, H Res. 625), would censure Bush and Cheney for “misleading the American people” about the need to invade and occupy Iraq, as well as for poor planning and conduct of the war.” Ok every study done so far about the case Bush made for the war has concluded the problem was in the intelligence that had been given to Bush.
What is the matter Feingold and Hinchey do you not see the news all the rest of see?
As for the planning, I have already said that the standards mandated by all the news on war since Vietnam require a cost effective, low casualty war, that has the people of America behind it. I think Bush and company more than met these requirements. I am on the Bush side and I have seen a lot of support from our side, the majority. In addition, I do not hold Bush responsible for the acts of insurgence, Al Qaeda, and weak Iraqi citizens.
“The other measure (S Res 303, H Res. 626) would censure Bush and Gonzales for ‘undermining the rule of law and the separation of powers’ by, among other things, authorizing the National Security Agency to conduct warrantless surveillance of American citizens and making “misleading” statements about the application of the a sweeping 2001 anti-terrorism law (PL 107-56).” Ok now I am upset. Yesterday I wrote about how congress had approved to expand the very same policy mentioned in this previous quote. How foolish can you be to try to punish Bush for something congress just finished authorizing. Does any one else see the irony in this?
Moreover, these censure-seeking politicians go on to try to justify their acts. “Congress cannot stay silent when the American people are demanding that this administration be held accountable for its blatant misconduct regarding Iraq and its attack on the rule of law,’ Feingold said.” This is too general. Some Americans-liberal leftwing fanatics- are demanding that Bush be punished.
Of course the most confusing of all quotes is the following. “Feingold introduced a resolution last year in a Republican-controlled Senate that would have censured Bush over the NSA surveillance program. Senate Republicans tried to schedule a floor vote on that resolution, but Democrats blocked the move.” Ok, you want to censure but you wont allow the vote to be taken. How does that make sense in a sane and rational world?
I knew the democrats wanted blood. I did not know they were desperate to get it. This is nothing but inconsistency over inconsistency with these democrats. They ran in 2006 as the party that would end the war. Seven months later and two battles with the President and the political party that promised to end the war in Iraq still has not met their goal.
Furthermore, yes politics are dirty business. However, at least try to sound like a rational person when you are speaking. The only reason these two clowns are introducing these bills is because they want to continue to throw mud on Bush.
Ah! Excuse me democrats! Bush is not running in 2008. I think you are attacking the wrong person. Of course, to enter stuff in to congress when the record has been cleared shows the authors of these two bills do not know what is going on and may be just politically motivated.