Well, finally Fred Thompson has declared his is running for the presidency. I do not like that he did on Jay Leno. To me we are talking about serious business that people with education and breeding need to be on top of. Declaring on Leno is like going to the bar with "midget tossing", very low class.
However, there you are. He is in and his credentials are good. He has been a lawyer, government men with a lot of experience, and does not appear to have detrayed conservative principals.
I know the news media will try to disembowl him. Hope he is up to the challenge. Personally I cannot support any of the other republican candidates. Thompson appears as close to a Chritian conservative who is serious about national secuirty and government spending we are going to get.
Tomorrow, September 7, 2007, Mr. Thompson will have a radio interview his Laura Ingraham. I will be listenning and hope to hear a solid, honest, sincere, and disciplined candidate. If you should listen to this interview, know that Ingraham has a very nasty attitude. Don't let that attitude cloud your judgement on Thompson.
I think this is the guy I will back. What I want to see is respect for the taxpayer, serious on national security, and tough on crime( especially where illegal immigration is concerned).