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Hillary, Blackwater, and that little baby.
Published on September 22, 2007 By jesseledesma In Politics
At any given time I can lay down words on any issue. Sometimes I challenge myself and meditate on issues that do not involve me, like female breast enhancement. Breast might be good to look at but I will never have to go through the grulling surgery that might lead to infection.

Today, I am sort of in a "leave me alone mood". The world does not seen to want to quit. Who am I kidding? The democrats do not seen to want to quit.

They had a symbolic vote on troop reduction just to put the republicans on record. Interesting, that in the senate vote to condem the moveon.org add criticising Patrues Hillary voted against it. Well, she was the one to give birth to moveon.org. She probably still runs it.

In addition, we have all this talk about Blackwater. I see this as an attempt to make a company that looks like it is close to the administration look bad so the administration will look. I just read a web site head line that said there is a video that shows the Blackwater guards fired first on the whoever those people where.

This brings me to my point, which is insighting some to fight. Did you know there are laws in America on badgering some one so much that they finally pop you one in the shnoze?

It is very easy to edit video so you only see the middle and end and not the beginning. I wonder why Malaki is so hung up on attacking America.

Therefore, even though it might be possible that Blackwater people are behaving violently I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I just do not see professionals, who have a lot to loose (money) behaving badly.

In addition, If Malaki and the rest of the Iraqi government had done their job these private contractors and American soldiers would not be in his country.

A time ago I wrote that I did believe no more Americans need to die in Iraq. Then I saw the story of that baby that was thrown in the garbage by militant muslins after they killed all the baby's family.

I would recommend to Malaki and company they visit that child. It might bring home the reality in their country. Maybe, that way Malaki and others might stop trying to stage incidents to make Americans look bad.

Now, I was not there at the incident. In addition, I am a firm believer in people being tried in a court of law not the court of popular opinion.
Moreover, I know from having worked ten years in the security industry I would not get along with Blackwater personnel. Some specific groups are just to narrowminded for my taste.

However, the bigger picture is the continuing attack by the left. When I came here today I saw some stories on the main joeuser page on salaries and the rich. Now, I do not know what the point of those stories were in the articles. I suspected they may be knocking the rich for what they have and blaming the rich for what the poor do not have.

A taxi assoiciate once asked me what I thought about wealth-disparity. I answered him this way," What government has belongs to the tax-payer. What the rich have belongs to the rich and what you have, that belongs to you".

I do not fault the rich for beign rich. Good for you, Mr. Bill Gates and every other person who has gone about building their wealth. Now before anyone gets angry, I ask " would these people be rich if you did not buy their products".

I stopped being a credit slave because I saw I was killing myself making them rich. I still use credit. The difference today is that I buy what I can afford and pay of the balance as fast as I can.

Watch, I am going to buy a OBD-II scanner. It cost about $100. I will use my credit card. In two payments I will pay it off. In reality, I can afford to pay cash. However, by doing what I said I pay little interest and I build credit, which comes in handy when you run a business.

In fact, though I am not rich, I am among the people working to build wealth. I am not kidding about dedicating myself to putting $250 in a 5% account a month for the next twenty years. At the end I should have $139,000.

Only a person that does not have dreams, ambitions, and goals would let the democrats talk them into being poor.

Which one of these democrats baching the rich is poor. Hillary, BIll, $400 hair-cut guy, and many liberal people are filthy rich. Pelozi and Harry Reed are very rich. Even "never met a soldier I didn't criticize" Kerry is rich.

What I find interesting though is that these rich liberals do not tell us about the charities they give to or if they manage a Non-Profit. If you care so much for the underprivialged, shouldn't you at least have a Non-profit?

Therefore, the battle continues. In addition, you need to ask your self "do I want government to limit which dreams you can have or do you want to reach as far as your creativity and inovation will take you?"

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