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China, Iran, and Russia.
Published on September 27, 2007 By jesseledesma In Politics
Paying attention to the world allows us to learn. In the last months I have seen a sinister relationship between Iran, China, and Russia. It appears that they have a global agenda were these three can dominate the world.

In fact, it is so sinister that China, Iran, and Russia are providing information that hurts Amreicans or has the potential for harming Americans to enemies of America.

In my way of thinking it is hard to see any state government attacking America. That government knows that 'Nuclear Fire" woulf rain down on them. They will however, sell waepons to the enemies of America. These weapons can be nuclear missles.

The question for me is "who made China the economic power it is". The answer is the American consumer. A time ago I wrote an essay asking how Americans can buy gas knowing that the profits of oil go to middle eastern countries which fund terrorism.

The American consumer who needs and wants cheap Chinese products is funding Chinese military expansionism and the sharing of military resoureces with the enemies of America.

It seems Americans would want to stop buying Chinese so they are not funding an enemy. From what I hear in the news the Chinese government is acting very much like an enemy of America.

We do not need to go to war with them. However, it might be a would idea to stop sending money to them.

Now in the large scheme of things my suggestions of boycotting the Chinese market may more wishful thinking. However, there are some very ovbious sings of cooperation between China, Iran, and Russia against America."

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