Today's essay is going to be hard to develope, but well worth the effort. I am building it on the premise that the USA cannot continue busness as ussual in international affairs.
The U.S. has the United Nations, NATO, direct communication, and a state department to get her message out. In addition, sometimes America uses insentives and/or force to gain cooperation with other countries.
I think the human condition is going to get worse and thus actions of countries and their government's are going to get challenging. In the war with Iraq we saw a lot of people of nations and their governments rely on ultra facist peace and love ideasto justify not helping America.
Love is great. Peaec is an admiral goal. However, if I was confronted with a murderer who wanted to add me to his list of victims I would show him the business end of my police special 357 mag.
I know. I know. I can hear the "but you call your self a Christian. How can you say this violent stuff" criticisms. It is not violent. Evil people will not follow the love and peace ideology.
In addition, I see more and more evil in the world. The U.S. cannot police the world. It is unfortunate but many cultures and people are going to be wiped out completely.
If America tries to help everyone, she will run out of money, burn out her citizens, use other valueable resources, and make her vulnerable to attack. Therefore, I think it is best America find the people's that she can deal with in economic trade and who do not present a harm to the country or the values of the people of America.
Moreover, when the world looks like everyone is about to go for each other's throats America should brings her soldiers home, gets ready for what may come, and let everyone know that if need be we will rain nuclear fire on all of them.
I have been in America for over thirty years. There are problems here. However, to me the U.S.A. continues to be the best country in the world.
In addition, I never see her taken by evil people and doing evil things. Therefore, as a country which is not harming other people unless attacked I would suggest that evil people not set their lust on her.
If countries ruled by tyrrants and not checked by their people started being violent in a global means, then America has the right to use all her resources to defend her self.
I wish I saw sanity and honesty in many of the people of other nations. However, I see selfishness and indulgence, just like I see it in many people of the U.S.
The encouraging point is that many people in America are in love with her and are willing to defend her honor.
Therefore, I do not think that it is advantages for the U.S. to send troops in to Dar-4 or Maymar. Sometime soon we might see an all out chaos in the world.
I think the only thing that can be done in global chaos is for U.S. to circle the wagons, bring in her friends to the cirlce, and get ready to fire when they see the eyes of the enemy.