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preserving life
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Vote your conscience.
Under attack by the liberal news.
Published on September 30, 2007 By
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Back when I started looking at issues, I came to the conclusion that the reason American society is in such chaos is because the messages that come from media some how get some people to think that some else should be in charge of their lives.
In my opinion, there is a lot of rhetoric about the plight of the poor and underprivilaged in the news media. Yes, I do believe that every person is valueable and we should help when we see a person in real trouble.
However, some messages in society make people into drug addicts and unemployed. Just so you know, there is no perfect ideal utopia to reach for in life. What every you do, you will have to work. Yes work is boring. However, it feeds you and it pays the bills.
In addition, even in these challenging times I still see a deliberate attempt by liberal news to shape the emotions and thoughts of the people. I say it is deliberate because I think this attemped manipulation of our minds is so the democrats can win elections.
Though, I may be charged as a crule person for telling the poor to get to work I know that when people create something for them selves they protect it and work hard at maintaining it.
That is why you the votoer has to be stronger then the news media agenda message. I say vote your concious, not the concious the news media wants you to have.
Think of your values and morals and vote for the candidate that reflects your values and morals.
I think that having a good work ethic is great. People should know what they want out of life and work to accomplish it.
For me abortion (the killing of unborn children) is wrong. When a male sex cell and a female sex cell unite a child will be born around nine months later if left uninterrupted.
The secuirty of the nation is important. Terrorist are going to keep making plans to attack America and Americans.
Whether you believe in what I believe you should believe I have the right to believe it. Religious freedom is also something else that is important to me.
The public education system, to me, is a vulgar, corrupt, and abusive environment. There is no need for more politicians to vow to the public education voting block and who won't try and fix the problems in public education.
Social security is highway robbery. Put $250 dollars a month in a 5% interest account for 20 years and you will have around $130,000. Imagine how much more you would have if you started saving and investing after you graduated from college.
Social programs cost tax payers money and do not yield good rewards. About 15 years ago, I heard of a study that said no government social programs has ever met its goal. I think that says it all.
In addition, there are jobs. Go to Careerbuidler.com and see the jobs. Now, these may be jobs people do not want. However, there are jobs and jobs with good hourly wages. Therefore, in my simple analysis the person who is not working does not want to work.
Yes, it is a challenge to get beyond the constant negative message of the liberal-agend driven-news. However, the alternative is a Hillary Clinton in the presidency with a democrat majority in congrees. Now, there is a scary thought.
For me if you are going to elect some one president, make it some one of integrity. In the last democrat debate among the democrat presidential contenders the three condidates at the head of the pack said they could not guarantee that they would pull out the American soldiers from Iraq before their presidential term was up if they were elected. This was the year 2013.
Now, what happened to all the rherotic that in 2006 the people voted for change and troop withdrawl. Yesterday, Hillary said she would pull the troops out. Now, she is telling us there might be reasons to leave them their. Isn't that a lie.
Therefore, you-the voter- is going to be attacked by the liberal public relations machine (the media). In the 13 or so months left before you cast your vote you have to resolve yourself not to allow the liberal news to tell you what to think or feel.
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