You have been weighed and found lacking.
First, let me apologize to the Rudy-candidate for president-people. I forgot about him during my profile of the republican candidates. Well he is small and easy to miss satnding there behind the rest of them.
I will do a profile. Not today though. The essay I wrote today has worn me out and I need a rest. If you read further you may understand.
I do say having been ordained by God I make the following observations.
Today, I plan to condemn conservative radio talk show host Bill Bennett, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, and Bill O’reilly.
My action comes from having listened to Bill Oreilly’s program today. In part of his program, he was talking about McCain’s-presidential candidate- comments about preferring a Christian to a Muslim to be elected president of the United States of America.
Well let me start with my personal observations of Oreilly. I think he is the dumbest person in the world, which means Rush Limbaugh has lost his crown.
How can any person think his vision of reality is the only vision? What I have seen and heard of Oreilly is his constant “Me, Me, I, I” statements. He is having a conversation with a person who is validating his point with facts and evidence and making a good case and Oreilly starts with is “well when I was tending the corn farm I saw an alien so all of you are wrong.”
Okay I do not think O’reilly has claimed to of seen aliens, other then illegal Mexicans. However, compared to the factual case the guest is making, Oreilly’s comments sound that ridiculous and irrational. Any one who thinks he is the sole authority is ridiculous and irrational.
My other point against O’reilly is one I will make against the others. He, like all talk show host, pander to an audience. Bill Oreillly audience expects a certain something when they tune in to his show. I think they want to see Bill beat up on “sacred cows”.
That is why in my opinion Oreilly picks some of the craziest topics to talk about. You have probably heard by now that Oreilly got himself in trouble for some statements he made about going to a black restaurant and a concert of an Africa American artist and the environment there did not look black.
Well first I ask you “what person, having been alive in the last forty years, with a college degree, and involved in media thinks that making statements like ‘I went to a black restaurant and it didn’t look black’ was not going to get him in trouble?” You have to be living in a cave not to know those are “fighting words”.
That is why I think he made those statements deliberately: knowing it would cause controversy and gain him an audience.
I may not like Rush Limbaugh. However, I know he does his show with substance and I still listen to him because I know he will have information I need to know about, like today’s interview with Clarence Thomas.
Bill Oriely, in the question of the conservative movement, has an empty show in my opinion.
Now, to what made me mad. In today’s show, Oriely stated that he agreed with a caller’s opinion that all religions are a man made creation.
To those of the Christian faith who have had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and read the King James Bible it is easy to see were God called the Jewish people to the Tabernacle and Synagogues and were God ordained the Levite Priest. Therefore, worship of God in a church is a godly creation.
In addition, Oriely chastised the few callers who called to speak on the differences between true Christianity and the Mormon faith, while going on about his tolerance for all faiths.
Just to set the record straight. Mormons believe that the life they have here they will have in heaven. Christ spoke very clearly, when he said in heaven there is no giving in marriage or marrying.
Mormons believe that Christ is the brother of satan. When Christ was accused of doing the devils business he responded, “A house divided among itself can not stand”. In addition, Christ added No Man Can Serve Two Masters. Either He Obeys One Or He Obeys the Other.
Therefore, the devil and God have no relation. Moreover, true Christians consider saying that God is satan to the unpardonable sin.
Now, the founder of the Mormon religion said he had been visited by a Heavenly entity that gave him a metal plate, inscribed with the Mormon doctrine, and a special pair of glasses to help him read the inscribed plate. The only problem is that John Smith buried the plate and glasses and forgot were he buried them.
Don’t you think that if God himself had given you a plate inscribed with His word and a special set of eyeglasses to read that plate you would of protected them.
Now, I direct you to the King James Bible were in Revelations 22:18 it states, “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto thee the plagues that are written in this book:”
Revelations 22:19 states” And if any man shall take away from the words of the Book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book”.
The Mormons, Muslins, Buddhist, Hindus, and all other modern religions have come after Christ. By trying to say, they have a different place in the universe then the one described in the Bible they are “adding” and “taking” from the scriptures of the Bible.
Okay, now, no man has to explain his faith to me or justify his faith to me. However, when you are on a national radio talk show talking about your faith and/or criticizing the Christian faith you have giving me the opportunity to have an opinion.
I have not heard Bill Oreilly speak about his religion on his talk show. I gather from his comments he is a “modernist”, which to me is a person who thinks he can be his own god.
Limbaugh has made what I consider to one of the most sincere proclamations of his Christian faith of the entire talk show hosts I am criticizing in this essay. I believe him. He and I share the same faith.
However, Limbaugh does many things that concern me. I once heard him try to defend a study that claims Blacks were inferior because of their brain size. God loves all people and has given us gifts equally, regardless of the density of our“gray matter”.
This is all pandering. They write books. They need an audience. They read emails and other communiqués and see that the way to keep a large audience is to give the majority what the majority wants.
Now, what does the majority want? Well it pains me to say this, but the majority likes movies like “Jackass” and “Old School”, which I think says more than enough.
One of the things that annoy me the most on the Lauran Ingraham show is how they keep bashing and personally attacking Hollywoodites and other people. Their diatribe sounds like something you would hear “Socies” say in highschool.
In my high school year the “Socies” were the ones from good money, living protected lives, and not knowing much about how the world functions. Their attempt at banter would sound like “ look at their old jeans” or “What a big nose they have”.
El Paso- stink water- Texas has no “socialites”. Therefore, no, when we said “Socies” we were not talking about the filthy rich.
Either way, for a person with a law degree, who has clerked at the Supreme Court to go on about how fat Rosie O’Donnell is really sounds sophomoric. In addition, their loud gaffes really speak of the true nature of their souls.
Laura Ingraham keeps referring to her religion on her talk show. From all the hours I have heard of her I cannot tell what exactly happened.
However, it appears that her encounter with the Catholic religion came about after her mother’s passing.
What I have heard Ms. Ingraham say is that she is a Catholic, reads, the bible, and she has invoked the man of Christ, which I wish she would stop doing.
When you make a public proclamation of faith in Jesus, all your actions represent Him. What do you, the reader of this article, think people when they hear a person who proclaims to know Christ go on in a disparaging manner about Rosie O’Donnell’s fatness?
I can answer that. It leads a very bad impression of God. There in lies the problem with religion.
Okay what do I believe? Through an encounter with Jesus, a person comes to understand with mind and soul who God is and what he wants from us.
We do not go and find God. God reveals Himself to us, as He did to Samaritan women at the well.
Then, the Holy Spirit guides us in the direction were we can grow in our love and understanding of God.
Now we are wise and know truth for truth sake.
I think Ingraham had some kind of religious experience. However, I do not think it was an encounter with Jesus Christ.
In addition, what I offer here I offer in the same loving manner God offered Himself up as a sacrifice for us.
If Ingraham does not really know Christ, then some one should tell her and help Christ to reach her.
Superstition does not do anything for a person. In my opinion what many people call religion is empty superstition.
Now, my point is that many people are talking to you the listener and reader. Many of these people are nothing more than charlatans selling their snake oil.
I think it is sad that people with now knowledge of Christianity everyday are throwing bricks through God’s windows and destroying his mission of mercy, which is to reach and save us.
Now I have not said much about Bill Bennett. I have heard foolishness that sounds like pandering on his radio program.
In addition, I have heard Bennett describe himself as a Catholic and speak harshly of Fundamentalist Christians.
I consider myself a Fundamentalist Christian and see nothing wrong with trying to live up to the standards set by Christ.
“My Sheep Know My Voice and Follow Me”.
I tell everyone I can easily become a religious tyrant because I think you should do everything God wrote in His law for us to do.
However, “He who says he has not sin is a liar”. Yes, we all have “fallen short of the glory of God”.
However, “Because God so loved the world, He sent His only begotten Son, so who so ever believes in him shall not perish and have everlasting life”.
It all starts with Jesus. This Jesus has asked my opinion of the people I have spoken of in this easy.
What is missing is my litmus test for a racist person. I say any person who mocks the language and cultural elements of another is a racist.
In addition, any one perpetuating stereotypes in a mocking manner of another culture is a racist.
Furthermore, it is not for the offender to justify if he is a racist. It is for the offended.
I heard examples of my criteria for racism from all the radio talk show host I am talking about in this essay.
In closing to Rush, Bill, Bill, and Laura I say what God gives he gives with love. The medicine may be bitter. However, if God prescribed it for you than it is the best medicine for you.
Furthermore, you all “…have been weighed and found lacking”, according to God. You are neither a good Christian nor a good human.