Rommey, Guiliani, McCain and, Christians.
If conservatives are serious about getting a republican back in the White House, they better stop expecting that Christians compromise on their values. Being that we know where we were in life before Christ came in to our lives we will never turn our backs on him.
Jesus is sacred to Christians. Asking them to pick a candidate that is of a religion that is a polar opposite of Christainity or who has publicly disrespected Christianity is like asking Christians to turn their back on Jesus, who they love and regard with admiration for been merciful and graceful in saving them.
In addition, I encourage Christians to live their faith during these politically challenging times in America. Daniel and his friends did not pray to the statue of the that king, why should we compromise our loyalty to God, when the threat is no where near what Christ had to endour for us.
In my opinion, McCain spoke his mind willing and without remorse when he attacked two of the Christian faith's leaders. Therefore, McCain has no one to blame but himself for Christian not wanting to vote for him.
Giuliani, my opinion, is playing politics with the issue of abortion. If you have been paying attention you what heard statements such as "For me abortion is wrong, but I think a woman should have the right to choose for herself". These are statements made by people who want offend as little people as possible. I have been hearing these type of politically correct statements for quit some time now.
Moreover, I have stated before that for me abortion is murder and anyone who facilitates it is a murderer. For this reason I cannot see how true Christians can consider voting for a person, who thinks a woman should have the right to choose to murder an unborn child.
Rommey is in no way a Christian. I have made my case in other essays on this blog. In addition, not only is Rommey not a Christian his faith is in direct opposition to the true Christian faith. Where in the King James Bible does is say the Christ is the brother of the devil? Mormoms believe Christ is the brother of the devil.
Therefore, on the issue of who should Christians support, I say support some one who respect yous as a Chrisitian and is not against the principles of the Christian faith.
Moreover, to everyone who thinks 'well Christians are just going to have to be more reasonable and support a Gulliani or Rommey just so a republican can win the White House, I say " I crucified Christ with my sins. Turning my back on him would be like crucifying him again".
Hence, the ones who are going to have to be more reasonable are non-believers. I just do not see how a republican gets elected to the presidency without the support of the faithful.