Hillary has made many enemies.
No matter what life is going to continue to go foward. Right now as you read this article very bad people are planning the next terrorist strike in America.
The illness that might take your life is getting started. You employer, in order to cut cost, may be making plans to cancel your job.
Therefore, we do not know what is lumming over the horizon. If we fail to plan for what may happen, we leave our selves open to many tragedies.
Before November, 2008 you can register to vote, research the candidates, and get involved in promoting a candidate.
I have already written about the big social plans the democratic candidates for the presidency have for all of us. They are not hidding the fact they plan to attack social ills with our tax dollars.
I hope you are a person who values everything you have earned in life and do not want the democrats to have the ability to go wild with our money.
In addition, I feel bad for people who are struggling with life. However, I know it has more to do with their attitude towards life then the money they do not have.
It does take a certain philosophy to succeed. You have to plan, work, save, invest, treat people well, be grateful, not engage in self destructive behaviors, and take care of what you have worked hard to build.
In my opinion, 2008 is a crucial year for everyone who believes self reliance, personal accountability, and government respecting hard working tax payers.
Failure to get up and do something leaves this country at the hands of democrats. Moreover, what crisis are they fighting? Jobs are still growing. Companies are openinning and succeeding. The individual person is saving and investing.
Today, the 6th of October, 2007 is six years and a month since 9/11. In that time, there has been no other terrorist strike on American soil. We keep hearing of aprehensions and arrests.
Even though the democrats and turncoat republicans were working at Americas defeat in Iraq, Bush has brought it around. Therefore, what issue will the democrats run on in 2008.
Furthermore, I do not think the dems will mominate Hillary Clinton. In 2000 and 2004 I said the one that will win is the one that has more friends.
In 2008 I say the one that will loose is the one that has more enemies. Hillary Clinton has been around for twenty years making enemies left and right.
Why would the dems nomimate some one who is sure to loose. I say that the democrat leadership lets the public burn out on Hillary, Borak, and Edwards. Then they will send the real person they want.
See, the one that says who runs is the leadership of the party. Then everybody just falls in line and backs that candidate.
The best thing that can happen is for Hillary to get the nomination. The republican candidate is sure to win.
However, we cannot count on the dems doing us any favors. I say it is time to choose a leader among the republican candidates.
This is a person who can get the majority vote. Many people have a favorite. However, this is not a beauty contest. Just cause we want some one to be the republican nomination does not mean we have to be stuborn.
The candidate of the republican party is one who can gather a coallition of support. Everyone, regardless of personal choice, is going to have to get behind this candidate and push him into the white house.