Texas Law Enforcement failed.
This is a response to Laura Ingraham loud-mouth diatribe against president Bush this morning. Ms. Ingraham was talking about a decision by Bush to stay an execution of a Texas criminal.
Ingraham informed her listeners that Bush made his decision based on an international agreement that citizens from foriegn countries shall have the right to talk to their country's counsolate when being questioned in a criminal investigation.
I say Mr. Bush, the president, was right in his decision. If the president with all the resources at his disposal that he has makes a policy decision based on the facts, who am I or anyone else to question him with out true facts against him.
The legal agreement between the USA and other nations exist. It has to be followed. For America not to hold to her international agreements would be drastic.
The case against Sadam H. was that he was in violation of international agreements. It is a matter of honor, integrity, and prestige.
Law enforcement officers, who work with the law everyday, know what they are suppose to do when confronted with citizens of other countries.
They failed to abide by the individual rights of this forieng national. Thus, they are responsible if the state of Texas cannot effect complete justice.
Bush is only being an honorable leader. By he doing so, Americans can expect the same level of justice if they should be ever investigated for criminal activity in another country.
In addition, I am glad Bush does not make policy decisions based on Laura Ingraham's bad mood, knee jerk reactionary emotions, and personal psychological issues.
I am surprised that a person who claims to have a law degree is not a fan of following the law.