Good on message, more charisma, and take dems to task.
I just washed the republican debate of the MSNBC website. The criteria I was using to evaluate the candidates was was the person a good sales person for his message and was the person good at taking the democrats to task.
I also was looking to see were the candidates stood on the issues. However, I paid more attention on presentation and understanding their competitor, Hillary Clinton.
My issues evaluation comes down to the conclusion that to much time was spent on issues that are not central to this presidential election cycle. However, the candidates can't be held responsible for what a flaming liberal like Mathews comes up with in a debate.
In addition, that Wall Street babe sure is a babe. Okay, now to my evaluation. It is my opinion, that there was not enough time for the candidates to speak well on the issues.
However, they were confident and knew their stuff. The carisma and sharm that is requirred of person working in public relations was missing. I would tell all the candidates to try to be more relaxed, funny, and talk with a voice of authority.
On taking the democrats to task, it appeared to me that McCain and Guilliani criticized Hillary more than the other candidates.
Mr. Thompson represented his message well, which is a plus for him. I must be honest after I did my profiles on the candidates it became ovious to me that the candidate with the experience, educaiton, morality, and conservative ethic of the republican party is Mr. Thompson.
I know some people do not like having Thompson in the lead, but I think he is has the ability to get the attention of the majority of the people in the conservative movement.
Therefore, my simple evaluation is:
* that there are to many candidates and it may be time to widdle down the field,
*all candidates were good on delivering their message,
*they need more carisma and charm,
* and only McCain and Guilliani were good at taking the democrats to task.
Furthermore, let me praise all the candidates for their voicing the potential of America and recognizing how great she is.