Hillary only wants to weaken America with high tax burden.
I think I am a point were all I can do is report on the political action. I say this because a few days after Thompson's first debate and the snipping pre-modanas are already out and viciously criticizing him.
I did find the following quote which sums up my thoughts about the current race for the presidency. It is from an article by Ariel Sabar that was in the Science Monitor and appeared on a yahoo website (http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20071011/ts_csm/afredspeaks_1;_ylt=Agdcn0f9_2RmY0kLjL8wpzZ9buRF):
Despite a few awkward pauses and an occasionally pained look, Thompson made no major fumbles and fleshed out some policy ideas in the sort of detail often absent on the campaign trail.
Another observation is I ran past a story on Hillary that spoke about how Ms. Clinton plans on saving Social Security. It appears she plans on raising taxes to make up the difference between what is in the Social Security trust fund and what is actually needed.
I am not surprised that she has plans for another tax. While I was listening to talk radio today, the host was commenting that Hillary has joked that she has a lot of plans but the government cannot afford them.
I do not think this is funny. Again, I see a very prosperous nation. Heavy tax burdens can only ruin the American economy. In addition, to correct people, let me say I don't have any animosity towards the poor and down and out.
I just know that much of what we experience in life is the direct result of our actions. In addition, I think people would be able to say they have personal success if they just appreciated what they have in life.
I saw the pursuit of happiness yesterday. Though this movie did make me wonder about those who are suffering I wondered more why a person would make so many mistakes in life.
I mean the main character takes all his savings, buys medical equipment he thinks he can sell and make a business out of, and when he cannot accomplish this goal he thinks the correct answer is to take an internship in a stockbrokers program that does not pay.
Now, I know about hardship. However, he could have always gotten a regular job and helped his wife out. In addition, when he was at the end of his rope and his wife left him he thinks taking the kid away from a mother with a paying job is also a good answer.
Okay, I have said build dreams and work constructively to achieve them. However, I think this movie represents a lot about what I write in this blog.
I did not find anything romantic about this film. Moreover, I do not think it had a positive social message. The worst part of the movie to me is when he tells his son that he should never let anyone stand in the way of his dreams.
In life, there are appropriate and achievable dreams, then there are pipe dreams. Now, people may say well he accomplished what he wanted.
Yes he did, but at what price? How obsessed can a person be to create circumstance were he and his kid are sleeping in a subway restroom.
We are at a crossroad today in America. For many years politics in America has been a spectators sport. The majority sits on the sidelines criticizing while the democrats and republicans slug it out.
Some one should of told the man in Pursuit of Happiness grasping reality and gaining perspective.
The reality of today and what needs to be put in perspective is that today there is an ugly and vicious enemy waiting in the shadows to devour the world. Militant muslins do not only want to conquer America. These terrorists want the world under their control.
The option of staying out of this election is not available. The stakes are too big. All I see from democrats is rhetoric such as conservatives are making up the threat from terrorism and lets bleed those who have succeed in order to fix the life problems of a small portion of the American population.
The poor have all they need in them selves to accomplish personal success.
The reality is that these democrats do not really want to help the poor and underprivileged. These democrats just want to buy votes. Democratic political rhetoric has always been laced with speeches about the poor.
Yet in the 200 hundred plus years of American history democrats have failed to eradicate poverty. Jesus said the poor and the infirmed you will always have with you...
Therefore, when we are in a struggle for our own existence can we afford to allow the democrats to weaken America economically, thus making her militarily weak and unable to fight militant Muslims.
Moreover, remember I said that the democrats leadership would not give the nomination to Hillary because they know to many people hate her. Today, I was reading that people are trying to get good old Gore to give it another try, like his psyche needs another beating.
In this debate over which republican should get the nomination I say it should be Thompson. My number one reason is that I think Thompson can get a larger majority of conservative behind him.
We are not running a beauty contest here. Romney, Giuliani, and McCain have serious problems that will keep many social conservatives out of the election.
In this election every vote is going to count. There are to many Americans who do not get the American ethic about taking care of Lady Liberty and who are sympathetic to militant Muslims.
Why these people think the way they do, I do not know. I do know that an economically strong country with leadership willing to do what it takes to defend America is what is necessary to defeat terrorism.