Before I start today I just want to mention that I heard reported today that this year the USA became first on the list of economically competitive countries.
Ah, this is interesting. I thought America was suppose to be going down the wrong road and in need of change.
If you listen to the democrats, that is the impression you will get.
Last night in their debate, all I heard was that Bush and Cheney have taken this country down the wrong road and there is a need for change.
Well I must not tell a lie. I only saw about twenty minutes of the debate. The rest of my information I got from reports on the debate.
My intention was to see it all. However, when I tried to search for it on the MSNBC web site again I could not find it.
It does not matter, though. One reason it does not matter is that I am not rooting for a democrat. They can duke it out for all I care. Two, it does not matter because; I rather know what the republicans have to offer.
I still see Thompson as the one who can build a coalition of the winning.
The liberal news is fanning the political fires of Giuliani, however, in my opinion.
Well, I can here today to talk about one significant impression I got when watching Hillary Clinton.
Many of her responses were laden with fear responses. These responses are cracking voice, slurred speech, anger, watery eyes, and red face.
When I noticed these responses, I started wondering what she could be afraid of at the debate.
Could it be she is afraid people will start to see her lies? Maybe she is afraid that people will see she is not fit to be the president of the United States of America.
I still contend that she will not be nominated. Just last month I was reminding myself that a big cheese in the Democratic Party said Hillary is to ugly to be elected.
Imagine some one in your own party making comments such as these about you.
I think he is right. When people started talking about Bush’s replacement over a year ago, many said it was to early.
I say all this time has served well in showing how unattractive Ms. Clinton is for the presidency.
She lies better than a woman. All she can do is paint things in the negative. In addition, she wants people to think she would be a fierce defender of America. However, she claims all of who are concerned about militant Muslims are just imaging the threat.
How many times did she voice the word diplomacy? Is this the same diplomacy her and her husband used when they gave away American nuclear secrets to North Korea?