Or are the dems planning to take her down one piece at a time?
Well, before I start in today I want to mention something I did not mention yesterday. It appears the American economy grew by more than 3percent in October and towards the end of the month it was reported that home sales increased.
Now why is it that everyone is saying that the housing foreclosures are going to ruin the economy? I guess the American consumer has something better to do then listen to gloom and doom news.
Just remember to leave some cash for emergencies and don’t ruin your investments.
Now I will start on my central point. This point is about there being the possibility of Hillary Clinton being assassinated.
People may not like the idea but Hillary is not liked much by the power center of the Democratic Party. I still believe these democrats who control the party have been leading her on about her getting the nomination.
However, even though the people who control the Democratic Party might come to Ms. Clinton and tell her it is best if she vows out, I do not think she would do it.
These power people know she would put up a fight. Therefore, they may be prepared to ruin her reputation. However, even if it were discovered that Ms. Clinton seduced a 15-year-old girl scout the liberal news media would help her spin it.
That means the only other option is to assassinate her. Well that is what I thought until I heard Laura-the penguin- Ingraham this morning.
Apparently Brian Ross of ABC news has done an expose of one of Hillary Clinton’s contributors. This contributor has a criminal record and has helped Clinton raise money through private parties. At one of this parties a foreign citizen made a contribution to her campaign.
In addition, apparently American politicians cannot accept money from foreign citizens.
I guess this means that Ms Hillary or some one in her campaign may have broken the law.
Either way the other democrats running against her are obviously not the only ones that want her out of the way.
Stories such as this with video evidence, in my opinion, can only come out one way. That is if some one planned it.
I have always believed that Monica Lewinsky was CIA.
Billie boy embarrassed the Democratic Party with his sexual antics. They have carried his water but the democrats did not like getting hit in the gut that way.
I say there is a lot of hidden resentment for the Clinton clam. Moreover, it appears to me that they have set up Ms. Clinton for a big fall.
The power center in the Democratic Party may not kill off Clinton but they may just take her down a piece at a time.
So I guess it is time for the conservatives to choose a serious candidate.
I do not think Giuliani will represent conservatives well. However, I recognize that in a democracy it is the people who choose their candidate.
I just hope they choose some one who will represent what is good in America.