Commentary on Romney religious speech.
“What profits a man if he gains the word, but looses his soul?” Today, this spiritual question is on my mind.
I think many of us are under the impression that we are totally in charge of our lives. God created the universe. It is His system of justice that is employed and in operation. To me, getting everything we want out of life without the searching for the will of God is “gaining the world”. Therefore, by implication we have lost our soul.
If you look at the world you can see a world of self-involved individuals not contributing positively to society. Here, I am not talking about material resources. I am specifically talking about attitude.
What brought me to these ideas today is what I heard on Bill Bennett’s “Morning in America” radio show. Apparently Mitt Romney has been out and about talking about his religion (i.e. cult).
Mr. Bennett even read a statement by Dr, Dodson praising Romney for emphasizing the importance in religion and religious rights in formation of this country.
As I understand it Mormons did not form American. Protestants formed it. Mormons didn’t show up until way later after their founder received a plate inscribed with the Mormon doctrine and a special pair of glasses to read the writings on the plate.
The way I see it is that a God able to create a universe is also able to create the means to communicate His expectancies of us to us. God communicating what He expects from us is the only way He can judge and condemn us.
A little while ago, God and I were mediating the issue of the “death penalty”. I am completely against the death penalty. It does not rehabilitate. It does not deter crime.
However, God put it to me this way, “don’t the criminals know that their behavior will lead to receiving the “death penalty”. I have to answer “yes”. Every one knows the punishment for the crime. Therefore, there is no moral conflict in putting a person to death for committing a crime they knew would lead to the death penalty.
This last point speaks of people knowing what God expects of them and knowing the punishment for not meeting god’s expectations.
Romney has chosen to worship his cult. Every real, sincere, and honest Christian knows the difference between Mormonism and true Christianity. The Bible I read and that I believe to be the inspired word of God definitely defines Mormonism as not Christian.
I believe real Christians know this fact. My concern is that many Christians may allow the liberal news media to put thoughts and emotions sympathetic to Romney by using “emotional guilt”.
We must remember we serve God and not man. Romney’s religion is important to me because it shows he is not smart enough not to be taken in by a “cult”. That kind of person I do not want in the presidency of the USA.
Having studied psychology I have a clear definition of what constitutes a sound, rational, and intelligent person. A person who belongs to a cult does not meet this definition. Cult members are weak followers, not strong leaders.
I think we saw in Bush a person strong enough to act independently.
I would encourage all real Christians to serve their God and not man.
My admonition to Romney, McCain, and Giuliani is that lip service to God may fool some people, but real Christians know whom they must honor.
Again, I will say the only way republicans can win 2008 is with the support of true Christians.
Electing anyone but Clinton, (i.e. profiting by gaining the world) will mean we have “lost our souls” if we support a person who we know does not respect Christianity.
I know Christians will sit it out if the wrong republican is chosen to run for the presidency in 2008.
To me it is better that Hillary wins then Christians betray God.