opinion pages and articles on the beauty of life: friendship, family, love, romance, marriage, parenting, etc...
Plus order in life
Published on December 14, 2007 By jesseledesma In Politics
I am really running out of commentary on the current political situation in the USA. However, I know have alluded to today’s point before, but I want to hone it down.

I think the 2008 election is more about the integrity and honesty of the American citizen then the politicians.

Politicians will always be who they are, which in my opinion is a bunch of self-serving individuals only concerned with their bank accounts. Who knows maybe there are some good politicians?

However, I attribute all social ills to come from what the citizen allows the politician to get away. This is the wrong time to have politics as usual. The human race is under grave threat by Muslim extremist.

Therefore, every citizen with the right to vote should vote.

The choices greatly concern me. Lately Romney has been talked about as the possible nominee. I do not trust Giuliani, McCain, and Romney. I like to see consistency in behavior. A person should act according to his beliefs and behavior should be a constant.

For me a person who changes his behavior and beliefs on Tuesday can very easily change them on Wednesday. Today’s extremely immoral and unethical world makes me very concerned about this fact.

I think the great possibility exist that republican presidential candidates are saying what they think will get them elected and if they are elected they will do something totally different.

Today, I will write about an ordered life. Sometimes I feel like I just keep go over the same themes. I know I have spoken on doing and not just saying.

Many of us spend more time making plans then actually putting our plans into action. The end result is that a lot does not get done and then we are stressed about having to do everything and being able to do it all.

There are benefits to living and ordered life. For one, it frees up your time and allows you to have down time where you can relax. Two, it takes away the stress from worrying not being able to do it all.

Three, it gets things done. Not doing things brings worry, “upsetness”, dissatisfaction, frustration, and maybe even depression. When you plan and order your life you have the feeling of accomplishment and achievement.
We cannot just hang around doing nothing. Life requires action. Good action makes for a good life.

on Dec 14, 2007

You really want a candidate who refuses to change his or her mind on an issue ever?


All elections are about the integrity of the voters.

on Dec 24, 2007
Merry Christmas, Jesseleesma!