One day they like you. The next day they hate you.
It is the 7th day of January 2008. Verily a week is over and a lot of political drama has happened in American society.
There have been primaries for each party in different states. Couples of debates on television have also happened.
My observations of all these activities are on pettiness and the impact of the future. Back in the Regan years I realized that Americans are fickle when it comes to politics. One day they love. Another day they hate you.
A lot of this fickleness I attribute to how the news reports the news. It is all about the negative. Several years ago I wrote that I could not watch 60 minutes any more. The reason is one Sunday’s program were every commentator did nothing but spoke about what could go wrong in Iraq.
We can all speculate about what can go wrong. However, how about speculating on what can go right?
The ABC debates again brought me to the point that the liberal news media has a liberal agenda. The democratic debate seemed as if ABC wants the democrats to win by showing that they can be serious on national security.
What I found interesting was that everything the democrats said they would do they have criticized President Bush for, which was taking action based on foreign intelligence. The democrats stated that they would order a preemptive strike in a foreign country if “intelligence” showed a verifiable threat. Isn’t that what Bush did when ordering the invasion of Iraq?
On the Republican debate the candidates were hammered on healthcare and other social issues. I liked their answers. I especially liked when they invoked president Bush’s name and praised him for keeping America safe since 9/11. Good job. Any enemy of the president is an enemy of mine. Mr. Bush still has a lot of friends.
So many friends that congress has stopped trying to interfere with his agenda. This brings me to my central point. Obama thinks he has won. In his neck of the woods they are patting him on the back.
However, many in the US still remember the attitude of petty democrats towards the war in Iraq. Hillary, the blonde-haired guy, and Obama are from that other side. They wanted Bush to be humiliated by things going wrong in Iraq. Their actions were nothing more then petty.
They didn’t have a moral opposition based on principle. They just wanted America to loose so they could win. I hope whoever wins the republican nomination reminds Americans of this pettiness and its implications.
The war lasted longer then it should of because democratic rhetoric encouraged the terrorists.
Today, I was thinking of why I come here to write. Well my walk down this journey has been one of evolution. I started in order to share some of my wisdom in hope that it would help people struggling with life. Then I found out I had a lot to say. But God has put it in my heart to share what I feel about the US.
I love this country. Though all I have is a permanent Alien visa no one can question my allegiance to this great nation. My heart is red, white, and blue. I would die to defend America and her people.
That’s it for me right there. Everything I care about the terrorist want to destroy. The people I love, they want to kill. That does not sit right with me. How can I speak of the beauty of life and be comfortable with such a great threat to life.
I share many conservative principles with republicans. However, I do not just come here to speak in order for my team to win. Your troubles concern me. I would like to contribute to your wellbeing. America is a great place to live in and we need to protect her.
In addition, America needs true, honest, sincere, leadership with integrity. This why I say that the elections of 2008 are more about the American citizens then the politicians running for office.