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When did we loose our sanity?
Published on January 10, 2008 By jesseledesma In Politics
There are certain things I just do not want to lower my standards to comment on. However, hearing that Hillary Clinton crying made her look more real and human and that made them vote for her has me concerned.

Since I have been paying attention to politics and social issues, I have been hearing people comment on how men and women are equal. Well could a man get away with manipulating people with his tears? I say only if he is a liberal democrat.

In addition, what concerns me is the appearance that no one can ask Hillary to answer the questions and explain her stance on the issues. This is what the other democrat candidates and the news have been doing. Hillary Clinton’s response is to fake tears instead of answering what her position is on the issues.

I hope that when a republican contender is chosen and debates are held that Hillary is not allowed to hide behind her gender. Apparently, no one is allowed to ask Ms. Clinton about her values or opinions on the issues, or else she will cry and men will be blamed for making a woman cry.


I do not. I have invested a lot in my life and I do not want to see it jeopardized by a socialist liberal democrat. It is not a secret what Ms. Clinton stands for. She wanted to de-fund the war in Iraq. She wanted to have Bush impeached. She believes that the answer to every social ill is a government program.

To me Ms. Clinton is a shrewd person whose whole identity is centered on politics. She needs to win or else she does not exist. In the time, I have known of this person I have not seen her do anything honest or sincere. In my opinion, she is a lot, about what is expediently political.

Instead of leaving an obviously sexually perverted man, she stays with him because it helps her politically. Unscrupulous people donate to her campaign and she denies knowing them even when there are pictures with her and them together. People in her husband’s employment go to the national archives and steal government documents and she does not know anything about it.

Even though I said I was not going to watch the video where Ms. Clinton supposedly bared her soul, I did watch it. I just did not see how I could comment on something I have not watched.

It is my opinion that Ms. Clinton’s demeanor is contrived. One thing people who are going to tell you lies do is think and you can tell by what they are doing with their eyes. Their eyes stay in one position and then they become expressive.

Clinton’s eyes wandering around as she thinks of what she is going to say resemble a person who is lying.

In addition, she keeps trying to make eye contact with the camera. Moreover, at times her eyes are wide open as she looks at a particular person like she is trying to get them to believe her just because of her facial expression.

Then there is the sinister smile, which to me implies “I got them. I am getting them to buy my rhetoric.”

People who are sincere in their beliefs do not need exaggerated body language to sell their story. Furthermore, you do not need to stop and ponder what to say. If it is, what you believe you should know it and speak without having to stop and think of what to say.

In addition, if you have no experience being lied to, you may believe Ms. Clinton. The ten years I did security, everyone tried to lie to me. Therefore, I have a lot of experience judging the body language of people who are telling false stories.

The sheer attempt by Clinton to manipulate people with false tears concerns me. The president of the United States needs to be honorable and qualified. In my opinion, Ms. Clinton does not have the education or experience to be the president of the United States of America.

You know how ridiculous America looks internationally by even considering a woman with a small resume, who tries to manipulate votes with false tears for the presidency.

When did we loose our reason? When did we loose our sanity?

on Jan 10, 2008
I don't know when you lost your sanity but this is such BS.  She is more educated and well-spoken than our current President.  If you don't like her, don't vote for her.  She didn't even cry.  Her eyes welled up a little bit. 
on Jan 10, 2008
Ms. Clinton wants you to go back home and STFU, stupid wetback asswipe.
on Jan 10, 2008
And I agree.

STFU, assclown.
on Jan 10, 2008
She is more educated and well-spoken than our current President

Were you really paying attention to what she said? She rambled on for nearly 3 minutes and said one simple thing. We need a change. Here's a news flash. Bush can't get re-elected. There will be change.

My issue with this incident is that it is either a fabrication or a serious sign of weakness. I don't have a problem with a woman President She better have a pair that clangs when she walks though. Political positions aside, the job of running this country isn't for someone that reacts with compassion or weakness. I don't have the stones for it and I know she doesn't either.

I just don't understand her qualifications. She is senator for no time at all and she thinks she has what it takes to run the country? Yeah, I get it. She lived with someone who did the job but so did the cook and the maid. While I'm sure their qualifications are impeccable, you can't learn to be a leader by osmosis. You have to do it. Bush at least ran a state. She never even really ran her house.