terrorist are not going to stop just cause we close our eyes and pretend they do not exist.
There comes a time that you realize that the political arena is hosting a circus. I have seen it for over thirty years and this is the first time I have been so disgusted by the foolishnes.
There are real issues going on. These issues are of life and death. If we have learned anything from the last three years is that playing politics with serious issues leads to tragedy.
For many years democrats and republicans sniped at each other over problems in the middle east. Through this childish behavior this country faced several tragedies. Americans were taken hostage, marine barracks were bomded, embassies were bomded, and of course 4000 americans died in the Twin Towers.
My intention here is not to trivialize the these events. In fact the point I want to make is that there is a real enemy who is not going to go away just because we do not want to be bothered with war or want to close our eyes with the hope that it will all go away.
The terrorist are not going to go away and every one of us has the responsibility to grow up and deal with the issues with the seriousness the issues deserves.
Through out history we have seen bad people want to hurt good people. Today, we are the ones that are having to deal with being under attack.
We do not have the right to let every contribution that soldiers have made to our safety and security wither away.
The challenges infront of us are real and demanding. You take in to consideration the negactively critical society we live in, it is easy to see how people can be synical and skeptical.
However, serious issues deserve more than sly comments about the president and his actions. I wonder if people want to relive another event like September 11 2001.
I say the days of comments like republicans are only out to help people with money and all democarts want to do is tax and spend on social services.
We also need to grow up to certain realites and get involved in the right answer. This answer will involve insight, vision, maturity, respect, and work.