opinion pages and articles on the beauty of life: friendship, family, love, romance, marriage, parenting, etc...
Artcile written to help people appreciate God and them selves.
Published on July 3, 2004 By jesseledesma In Personal Relationships
Thinking differently
By Jesus Lopez-Ledesma
Page 1 7/3/2004

Given the chance, how many do you think would try to swindle you in order to take what you have? Here is a better question; why to do you think what you have in so valuable? I know I probably do not have the write to sound judgmental.

I am not trying to be judgmental. Let me tell you who I am. I am a thirty something man who for the last fifteen years of his life has been in a sad struggle with life. Everything I have tried has failed. This has not been from a lack of effort on my part. In fact, my health has suffered greatly from the mental strain I have put on myself.

Please do not get me wrong. I am not crying in my beer. For one I do not drink anymore. Second, I am not a person of despair. This leads me to the reason for this essay. After facing my last confrontation of my life, I have decided that I am not going to go down with out a fight.

See, I can give credit to the majority of my struggles to incomplete people of the world. You, yourself, have probably sensed that people are uptight and tensed in these days.

Well things are actually worse. I see people as immature, violent and aggressive, irresponsible, neurotic, and selfish. These are not words of criticism. In my life, I have at least earned a BA in psychology. In my studies, I have learned that there are words that we all use in common conversation that also have a place in professional conversation.

Now, how can I say that the world is full of immature and mean people? Well when I am out to meeting my day I get a lot of dirty looks and smirks from people. In the businesses I do business with their clerks and cashiers give the same ugly looks. Any time I encounter a law enforcement officer I meet this same dissatisfied and judgmental look.

Is it all about looks? Of course, life is not all about dirty looks. However, people’s behavior reflects what they feel and what they think. How many times in your day, do you have trouble with someone that is driving like a child? Is your work environment a pleasant place to be? Do you get along with your romantic partners friends and family?

How about your day-to-day life? Are you living or just existing? The difference between living and existing is that when you are living you are enjoying and receiving pleasure from life. Too many modern people are just functioning like machines and not enjoying the fruits of life.

I believe that much of what we face in life has to do with industry. Business has us convinced that we need to be loyal company employees, who can get what they need for life by buying material goods, and who sleep with anyone they want. The news media dose this through movies, books, music, TV programs, radio, newspapers, and magazines. In an effort to get our money, the media gives the messages on how to live and function.

I can honestly tell you that I am very displeased with what I see on TV and in movies. At a time, there was enjoyable entertainment. However, recently all I see are programs that thrive on being as vulgar as possible.

Even shows about love, work, and family resort to racy comments and sexual innuendos just to keep an audience. Let me tell you that I do not need vulgarity to be entertained.

For me art should involve itself in the human condition. I do not believe that human condition is to be on all fours slopping in the mud for our sustenance. For the most part, I have great affection and respect for people. Even though we are trying to live the worse possible life experience, I have hope for us.

In fact, let me tell you that I am a Christian in conflict who even though he faces hardship, still values life, love, and romance. Furthermore, I believe in you and value you as a person.

That is why when I was asking myself what I was going to do for the rest of my life I decide I was going to dedicate myself to help good people live an enjoyable and pleasant life experience.

The One that made us made us with potential. He wants us to laugh and be happy. Furthermore, He knows that we can manage anything. Though we may be in place where we cannot see hope or possibility the reality is that hope and possibility are there waiting for us.

I would recommend increasing your scope of life in order to improve your vision. Life is not about serving well in a company. Life is about family, friends, peace, joy, happiness, love, romance, comfort, and so much more.

The question is will you love yourself enough to take the risk and make the investment in your well been? I can tell you that there is reason to try. That job you hate does not have to enslave you. Think outside the box and see what innovative and creative plans of action you can come up with for yourself.

I looked inside myself and found a person that still likes to help people. With this insight I realized that I could manage a website of helpful advice and where I could make money at the same time.

There are companies that give free websites. There are also companies that have advertisers looking for websites to post their company banners on. Gateway Partners at Be Free.Com and Linkshare are two companies that have advertisers and do not charge to be a member.

I am a registered member of both these companies. However, I am not providing a hyperlink on this page so the readers will not think that I mention them because I will profit from it.

My goals are noble. Therefore, though I will give helpful advice I will try to avoid the appearance of acting on my own financial interest. The reason I mentioned these companies is that if you have something to say you too can get a free website, find free advertisers, and make money helping people.

See, there is an option you have not considered as a profession. If you are willing to look you will see that there are still many more.

That is life. It has a lot to offer. All we have to do is be willing to accept life’s counsel. My contribution to life’s counsel is that God is real and a great resource to mange life.

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