Psycho-Identity Complex
By Mr. Jesus Lopez-Ledesma
The following paper is my perception of the development of individual human nature. I see the creation of human nature as the result of the human constitution interacting with the environment. I define environment as all sources of information. In my formulation of my theory, I have identified several terms. These terms are Contemporary American Industrial Society, Psycho-Identity Complex, Functional Operationalism, Personal Operationalism, and Industrialized Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. My theory of human psychology states that human identity is a result of human faculties interacting with elements of their environment. These faculties are spirit, emotions, intelligence, and sensory functions.
As we process environmental information, we code it with a spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and sensory significance. Eventually we derive at our sense of our self and the world we live in at that time. Furthermore, I believe God has put these processes in place with the purpose of contributing to our spiritual maturity.
God created the individual. I consider the original King James Bible to be a correct representation of God and His will. In addition, I believe that our personal psychological complications are the result of our relationship with God. Our purpose is to live according the standards God has set. Failure to do so, in my opinion, may result in mental health challenges.
I separate this challenges in to three categories. In my theory of psychology, there is mental retardation, personal mental health complications, and true mental health illnesses. Mental retardation is do to biology and limits a person to understanding and function. Mental health complications are do to life stresses and do not incapacitate the person. They cause discomfort and distress and affect the quality of life. True mental health illness is do to extreme stress and does incapacitate the person. An example would be bi-polar disorder.
Currently, I consider Industrialized Mediated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder a personal mental health issue that plagues most people in industrialized societies and that is the result of a spiritually empty person encountering a superficial, vain, and material world. The result is a life of uncontrollable pain and suffering, inability to receive and give pleasure, negative attitude, antagonistic acts towards neighbors, and diminished vision.
The above named disorder will help me explain the development of human nature as I view it. This is the Righteous Development theory. God built us with a purpose in mind. To me this purpose is to be righteous. I am not saying that we have to memorize the bible and become legalistic. By righteous, I mean doing what God is asking us to do in our life.
In order to accomplish this purpose He gave us the necessary abilities to succeed in the pursuit of this purpose. We have a mind to absorb information, organize this information, give it meaning, and make decisions based on our understandings. We can organize all information in to spiritual information, sensory information, emotional information, and intellectual information. Just as basic information can result in behavior driven by emotions, spiritual information can lead to behavior directed by the energy the Holy Spirit inputs in to our lives.
Regardless of our attitude, God desires that we include him in our lives and live according to His will. Religious as well as those who claim to be non-religious are involved in the day-to-day investigation of right and wrong. In my opinion, it is not an accident of corporate greed that the media has issues of right and wrong as the foundation of every program.
In my opinion, every ones meditations on issues of life are conversations with God. Through these meditations, we learn righteous behavior. Depending on how the information is presented we will obtain a certain perspective of life. Through a process of sensory and emotional information interacting with intellectual information, we develop our nature.
All information should elicit some kind of sensory or emotional reaction. We can feel joy as well as fear (emotion). Information also can cause muscle tension and tingling skin (sensory). In other words, we are a flux system that compares sensory and emotional information with intellectual information with the purpose of understanding how to manage our lives according to God’s will.
The driving force is the Holy Spirit. I believe that God has placed in all people a portion of His light (spirit) in order that we may recognize the correct way to live. This spirit initiates sensory and emotional experiences when we encounter information that assists us in acquiring our perception. A week ago I had a conversation with an associate who confessed to me that a time ago he tried to do something he knew was wrong and the results were stomach pains and sense of trepidation.
It would be too easy to dismiss what the physiological and mental reaction this person described as due to human fear in light of conscious violation of an expected norm. I have heard Christian philosophers as well secular thinkers discount the importance of emotions in the development of human psychology. In fact, my greatest criticism of modern psychology is that the field has forgotten about influence of emotions in human psychological development.
My interpretation of the consensus though on emotions by those that study human development is that emotions are there but are not as important as reason. God made us with everything we have. We have lost nothing nor gained anything, as far as our human capacities are concerned. Every day we use these capacities to perceive, understand, and act. Our current mental health status, in my opinion, is the result of the flux interaction between intellectual, sensory and emotional information. Through this flux interaction we gain and understanding of how life operates.
This can be a good thing or it cannot be a good thing. Many human conditions can result. Those people who are kind to God and wish to please Him grow in spirit. People who have an attitude against God or do not necessarily have a personal need for Him may move through life without a spiritual significant event and/or live a life complicated with turmoil. People who are conscious of God but indecisive may live a life of constant struggle.
Thus, our Spirit matures in negative or positive direction through the interaction with emotional, sensory, intellectual, and spiritual information. A good spiritual nature develops when a person interacts with environmental information that promotes God’s will. A bad nature develops through interactions with ungodly influences and our defense mechanism such as anxiety, shame, embarrassment, and repression. It is not that the negative influences are shaping us. It is that our shape is due to the Holy Sprit trying to keep us from things that are not in our best interest. Because we are to live godly significant lives, the Holy Spirit infuses emotional and sensory experiences as we encounter information with the intent that we will follow a godly direction.
This direction is to live a complete life. People have things that are of them, things that are of God, things that are of society and things that are of life. God desires that we experience life to the fullest in godly standards. He wants us to have good friends, family, one spouse, recreation, diversion, pleasure, joy, happiness, satisfaction, comfort, security, and so much more. I qualify my assumption by paraphrasing Jesus Christ. These things I tell you. The world will bring you tribulation. Be of Good Cheer. I have over come the world.
In addition, I believe in stages of development. I consider the focus of the first years (day 1 to three years) as years of training in social interaction. Then from three years to 10, we train in world understanding. After world understanding, we train in being a real person either in the Christian community or in the secular community. Again all development, in my view, is the result of the impressions we acquire as our emotions and sensory experiences encounter environmental information.
Therefore, to me our psychology is the result of our human constitution interacting with godly influences and ungodly influences. I believe that personally identity develops through an interaction of the spirit and the environment. We have the ability to gather information through our eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin and nerve endings. We all have the ability to analyze, understand, and organize information we gather from our senses. In addition, we have an internal spiritual pilot light that guides us towards God. Thus, our Spirits matures in negative or positive direction through the interaction with emotional, sensory, intellectual, and spiritual information. A good spiritual nature develops when a person interacts with environmental information that promotes God’s will. A bad nature develops through interactions with our defense mechanism, such as anxiety, shame, embarrassment, and repression with ungodly influences.
Moreover, in my theory, I give credit for early childhood social interactions. From birth, children are able to code environmental information. Information that gives pleasure we incorporated into our identity. Information that gives pain results in mental complications by using emotions as rein forcers for mental illness. Unconditioned stimuli (ex: parent’s speech) paired with conditioned stimuli (pain) leads to unconditioned behavior such as anger and repression when in the presence of an authority figure.
One missing viewpoint is health. My perspective to life is one of health. I believe we all have the capacity to work happy in the glory of God while we meet our Christian mission. Though, I see human nature developing through discourse, I believe we were built to be healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Unfortunately, we are to enthralled in the actual secular experience to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s input.
My perspective on therapy is to help the client get in touch with their inner light. To me this inner light represents the person’s true kind, decent, righteous, pure, and obedient essence that God has placed in all of us. Through a conversation where the person’s misconception about life are corrected the person can see his or her true self as God made him or her. The person may say I am frustrated with life and I want to give up. I would key in on the key concepts of “frustrated” and “want to give up”. First, I would ask the person to explain their frustration. As he or she is talking, I would point out that their experience is either a result of things they cannot control or their effort. This needs to be pointed out in a reasonable way.
This reasonable way is one that most people would not argue with. An example is, “ It is obvious you are struggling. However, you don’t control other people. Therefore these people you say don’t understand you and don’t give you what you want are not going to change. Isn’t this correct?” If the person responds, “yes it is”. Then I can go on and deal with his or her diminished life energy. If the person questions my perception than I would ask the person to explain where I am wrong. Again, I am listening for key concepts that represent the person’s misconceptions of life.
Finally, in therapy, I believe the professional has to be aware of every possible human experience. I consider my first responsibility to assess the potential harm the client posses to him or her self and to society. Then I have to gauge the severity of the person’s dilemma. The scale I use is “how much is the person suffering” and “ how is this experience effecting the person’s ability to function. After I gauge this severity, then I want to know the maturity level of the person. I plan to write a 25-item inventory to gauge a person’s attitudes in order to measure their thoughts and behaviors in relation to meeting the every day demands of life. I believe that many people never developed a thought process beyond a high school freshman level. Therefore, part of their dilemma is that they do not have the necessary tools to be in touch with their spirit and to know how to meet the challenges of life in order to live the life God has assigned for them.