opinion pages and articles on the beauty of life: friendship, family, love, romance, marriage, parenting, etc...

 Today, has to be a black day in American history.  For some time I have known that there is a sinister plot by liberals to hijack the republican party.  I guess they do not know about conservative's commitment to their values.            

Therefore, you can take the republican party, but you will not end the conservative movement.  People will always believe that government people should be financial responsible, allow people to manage their own lives, and that life is beautifully and should not be aborted.

Mr. McCain has bet big on the liberals and moderate's support.  However, what he does not realize is that as soon as it is time for them to vote in the general election, these liberals and moderates are going to vote for the democrat.  Hence, they set you up Mr. McCain for failure.

Conservatives will not for you and the liberals and moderates will vote for the democrat candidate.  Maybe, this is enough reason to support McCain.  No one should use sinister practices to take over a political party.  Got the message Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh.

I cannot believe these two conservative radio talk show host actually suggested that conservatives vote for Hillary in this last primary.  I can see no worthy reason for a conservative to betray his or her values just to mess with democratic candidates.

I know many are asleep at the wheel.  These country is about to contract liberal/socialized fever that will send America into financial ruin.  How can playing games at this stage of American history be productive.  I would die before I would betray my values.

Fidelity, marriage, personal responsibility, religious freedom, privacy, life, drive, organization, responsibility parenting, and all the other conservative values matter.

What may need to happen is to get McCain in to the white house and rebuild the conservative movement.  I do not think we can trust the republican party anymore.

It may be time for a Christian Conservative Political party.  It may be a minority party, but we will throw monkey wrenches into all their plans. 

Furthermore, it is important.  Some one has to stand up for children and prevent teen-age pregnancy, drug/alcohol addiction, gangs, inform people about personal financial responsibility, prevent interference in business, keep government financially strong, continue the war on terror, and provide guidance and leadership in life.

Moreover, I think people need to step back and realize we are in a different world.  The world of two political party's were one represented conservatives is over.


on Mar 05, 2008
Yes, but can we skin the window, oh, never mind.