So, what is the deal with all these politicians getting caught with one form of a prostitute or another? The simple answer is the farther away from God humanity is the harsher the human condition.
We are raised to believe in love, romance, monogamy, and respect for a spouse. I know in my life I have seen enough inset messages in Television and Movies about love, romance, and marriage.
I my personal life. I have seen no real examples of true love, commitment, and faithfulness. There are married people. They just do not have a clue about why they are married or why they even got married.
This is the average person in a modern marriage (cohabitation) or legal marriage. It comes from not taking time to get to know ourselves well enough to understand what we want and what we have to do to get it. I have written this statement before. However, through the rest of history people will continue to "hook-up" with people before they really know the person or really know themselves.
However, what is in the mind of the cheating spouse? Today, the New York Governor is facing implications of involvement with prostitutes. I would say it is unfair to focus on the man in the relationship as if men are they only ones who cheat.
Men and women cheat. The reason why has to do with personal immaturity. Our modern society does a poor job of giving the younger generation value systems that have to do with love and marriage.
Therefore, people do not understand the function of marriage. Look at two of conservative talk show host, Laura Ingraham and Rush Limbaugh. Near 50 years of age and no spouse and/or children. Is it from a lack of available people? Well I keep hearing about an abundance of young single professionals.
Hence, I do not think it is people are not available. Many in this modern world do not see the necessity to be married and/or raise children. If they need some one it is to have sex with and then go home or send their lover home. This is not God's plan. However, the people are far away from God. Our frustration and questionable acts show how far away from God we are in life.
If we were made by God to marry and we do not have love for God in our hearts we turn in to something absent of humanity and harsh and cold. Okay, now I must correct myself and remember generalities only apply when they apply. The human experience is to varied and complex. There are people who were not raised to know how to manage intimacy. There are people who were abused while growing up and they cannot deal with closeness and intimacy.
There are people who still think they are children and can act without consequences. I call these people sexually immature. Intimacy for them is all about sex. Many would rather receive pleasure from looking at pornography then invest in a real relationship. Unfortunately, many get involved with such a person.
Therefore, people are married to individuals who do not hold their value system and who practice undesirable behaviors. Many spouses go their whole married lives never knowing they were cheated on.
Moreover, in modern society sexually politics are confused. Sex has become an amusement park. Now far be it from me to judge or pretend I can tell people how to live their lives. I have learned people really do not listen. In fact, I have come to the conclusion that I write for the few who do appreciate what I write in my articles, not the immature children who resort to personal attacks.
Hence, what is my conclusion on the issue of marriage and intimacy falling to the wayside. Well this issue is like anything else. Life maybe crazy, but we do not have to check in to the "funny farm."
Every person yearns for real love they can count on. Even the most despicable sexual user has some semblance of desire for honest and true love. The problem is we are missing the map to get there.
Well it is not that hard. I am a fan on knowing what you want and knowing how to get it. Love is work. Success require better political tactics then the ones required to get elected as the American president. I see politicians as people who are able to get people to do what they do not want to do with lies.
Seems rather cynical. Doesn't it. Well it is not. No one person can manipulate a relationship or get everything they want. The secret is to be mature and not take every negative as a crisis. Only children throw tantrums when they do not get what they want. Children are also not that responsible or intune to other people's feelings.
Are you getting an idea about I mean about being mature? Well think about it. You have needs, wants, desire and so does your spouse. Some of these needs, desires, and wants maybe polar opposites or even contrary to each other. What is a person to do when the one they love will not offer them what they want.
Well, if it a real and important thing, then you talk about it. Just so you know men do not talk about intimacy. Any man that does talk about intimacy is a woman. Men do have conversations with women about relationship stuff. However, it is not a "heart-to-heart" conversation you women are looking for from a man.
In addition, I would caution a man from having this "heart-to-heart". The minute you do, you will hand over the relationship reigns over to the woman and she will treat you like a doll for the rest of your life.
Of course woman have to worry about their mate just caring about sex as they get fatter and becomes more of a looser. Sorry, women I have no advice for this male disease except divorce. However, I am a Christian and I am not suppose to advice divorce.
So, let me see if I can close my argument. In life many of us did not get the right messages about love and romance, we may have been abused, and we have no real relationship with God. This has left us with no clue about getting love or keeping it if we should manage to get it. However, all it is not lost because at any time we can start to organize or personal lives, figure what we want and how to get it, and go about good public relations in order to fulfill ourselves and our mates.
There! That is the message I wanted to get to.
Man I am a genius.