Isn't it interesting that a woman who was treated very crudely during her run as vice president as Mondale ran for the presidency is now making controversial statements. If I remember correctly she was taken down because of rumors of failure to report all income on her income taxes. One more interesting note is that Papa Bush almost got introuble after a debate for maybe stating "I think we just kicked a little ass". Many of his competitors wanted to give the impression that Papa was referring to kicking Ferraro's little ass.
Now, this same Ferraro has made a statement that Barak Hussien Obama would not be in the position he is in if he was not a black man. I say she is wrong. I have yet to meet a black man. I have met people of different shades of brown. However, I have still not seen a black man.
I do, however, think Ms. Ferraro is correct in some part. There is one only reason a person who was a state senator and only a federal Senator for two years is being taken serious for the presidency. This is the news media's obsession on picking the next president of the United States.
Do not worry I plan to make my case. So, far all I have heard about Mr. Barak Hussien Obama is that he is lawyer, was state senator, has been a federal senator for two years, and he did some public service work.
Mr. McCain was a soldier, graduate from the naval academy, and has had enough time in the Senate (25 years) to have been involved in crucial committees and departments to have a fair understanding of many the issues that face America and Americans. Not even Hillary can say any of that.
Therefore, what is Mr. Barak Hussien Obama's indignation over Ms. Ferraro's opinions. She is right. Mr. Barak Hussien Obama does not have the education and/or experience to be president.
Lawyers make good Senators because they know how to phrase laws. People who have run Companies, States, and/or have degrees in Business Administration make good presidents because the president is the Chief Executive Officer of the United States of America. Congress rights the laws. The President administrates the laws. The Supreme court referees and makes sure the laws are constitutional.
Therefore, at best one may say Hussien is qualified to be a Senator or Representative. However, I question his indignation because he is all about the positive vision of hope. If he is that confident in his vision, why isn't he confident in him self. I know a cab driver that always tells me no one can make me feel what I do not want to feel.
He is right. People can be jerks. That does not mean we have to react to them in a negative fashion. If Ms. Ferraro is wrong about Hussien being were he is today politically because of his skin color (dark brown, not black) then it should not rate any reaction from Mr. Hussien.
Just because Ferraro says it, does not make it true.