What is all about? Two days ago I heard Mr. Rush Limbaugh give the most profound monologue on conservatism I have ever heard. For once I did not think his show was just a waste of electricity. I guess I just don't understand the guy.
However, while listening to Bill Bennett, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Bill Oriely, and that Beck guy I have been wondering why they do not talk specifically about the elements of the conservative movement.
Therefore, in the interest of education and an interest in reducing the victims of liberalism I will attempt to explain what conservatism means to me. I must preface my remarks by saying that I have meditated on why people do what they do in life. I have come to the conclusion that much our philosophy about life is immature and vicious.
To me the central core principal of conservatism is that something is being conserved. This something is the moral code of conduct that governs life. It comes from the Bible and relates to all aspects of life.
Lets face it no one just succeeds in life just because they want to succeed. There has to be information that helps a person succeed. Love of life, respect for others, adherence to laws, building a life, being a good person, spouse, parent, and neighbor are helpful values. Information such as the value of hard work and sacrifice are also good values.
In this modern world, however, many want to blame their failures on some one else. When you do not adopt good values and spend your time doing everything wrong the last thing you want is to take personal responsibility for the mess you have made. It is so much convenient to blame some one else. There, however, is nothing in the water, air, or food that makes a person mentally weak, poor, or incapable to meet the challenges in life.
Now before you start to rant about me imposing my values on you I will state people like me who pay taxes are the ones cleaning up your messes. I think that gives me the right to speak to you about adherence to values. You seem to have no moral conflict about costing me money. Why should I have an sensitivity to your sensitive ego?
Therefore, look at every aspect of life and the conservative philosophy will help you succeed. You think liberal democrats go to were they are in life on government hand outs? I know they did not. They came from families that talked about personal responsibility, goals, and achievement. Why do you think Chelsea Clinton did not get pregnant at thirteen? She breathes the same air, drinks the same water, and eats the same kinds of foods as all the other teen girls who did get pregnant.
Ok I know the Clinton's are not conservatives. Well they don't give to charities at the same rate as conservatives. However, I am sure they used the values of hard work, personal responsibility, sacrifice, goals, and achievement as conservatives. Their success is evident, if you measure personal success by the amount in their bank accounts.
Now, there is one value of the conservative movement I am sure the Clintons do not have. This value is respect for life. However, explain to me how people who invest greatly to have an abundant life find it easy to kill unborn children. I cannot find the balance in going ape about the struggles of the poor yet being so willing to kill babies.
If unborn children are not important, why are the poor so important? Is it because they are alive? Well the unborn are alive.
In addition, life it self is awesome. However, what the average person would call a good life comes from investment, organization, vision, and perseverance.
In my opinion, liberal attitudes coddle people and excuse them from their personal responsibility for their success. Every single one of us started out with the same resources. We live in a country with public education, values filled media, punishment for bad behavior, and interesting stimuli. I know many criticize the media for its raunchy content. However, I know there are values messages in the media. I offer Christian radio and Christian TV as examples. Therefore, it is not all bad.
Now, I point this all out because in the next election not only is a president going to be chosen by the people, but a philosophy of life is also going to be chosen by the voters.
America is better under the ideals of respect for life and an obligation to achieve personal success.
Alegria Mall