There used to be a time that it was easy to predict political outcomes in America. All a person had to do was see which candidate the news media spent most of its time rediculing and reporting on that candidates "integrity flaws". For example when ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and all the rest spent almost every reporting minute reporting on "its the economy stupid" during the George H Bush vs. Slick Willy presidential campaing.
It was not the economy. Unemployment was low and econmic growth was good. However, that is what the liberal news media does. It helps democrats get elected.
My hero George W. Bush changed that however. No matter how hard this viel news tried, Bush II beat them twice. Again, I suggest Hillary and Big Ears ask them selves how during a so-called unpopular war Bush got re-elected and has been able to keep congress in check. Oh, and if in case you are wonder, no I am not in a good mood.
However, enough about me. I have not written about political terms as much as I used to because I think it is almost finished. All that is needed is for the "fat lady" to come out and sing. The fat lady will be Hillary screeching after she wins the democrat nomination.
I know I reported way back that she would not get the nomination. In fact, up until Big Ears troubles started I thought the dems would turn their back on Hillary because she is not electable. However, Mr. Big Ears has stepped on America herself. No democrat is going to put their political career on the line for a un-american radical. Some super delegates may have pledged their support for Big Ears. However, that support can be changed to Hillary.
Let her win moderately and the "Super Delegates" will realize their msitake and start diving of that Big Eared rat's ship. Right now it is an even split of voters. Super delegates in districts were Hillary has won are supporting Hillary and the same for Big Ears.
However, it does not matter. McCain will be the next president of the United States of America. In the hearts and minds of the American people integrity matters. Next to Hillary and Big Ears, McCain looks like a saint, even though he can not maintian his loayalty to his party.
Ok, here is a little human psychology for you. In his Pyramid of Motivation, Maslow put basic physical needs of food, sleep, sex, etc as number one and "safety and security" as number two as motivators for human behavior. I tihnk Bush won because the people who voted for him trusted him in providing for their basic physical needs and their need for "safety and security". The voters did not think Bush was going to feed them. They however, may have believed he would not mess up the economy. As far as "safety and security" are concerned Bush definitely was trusted to protect America.
Now, to little McCain. What does the public trust McCain to do? See Big Ears and Hillary do have support. However, they do not dominate the American voter. I can, with great confidence, say that Big Ears and Hillary have lost the trust of the people who matter, i.e. the majority of the voters.
On the need for "safety and secuity" McCain wins without question. On the need for food, sex, sleep, etc McCain can win as long as he does not come out with any radical ideas that plant doubt in the American voter.
In addition, as far as the need for Love and Belonging, need for Esteem, and need for Self-Actualization are concerned most people recognize these needs as under their personal jurisdiction, not politicians.