This really will not take long. When Mr. Bill Clinton was in office I sat down and did a simple psycholgical analysis of him. It was not that flattering.
A few minutes ago I watched Barak Hussien Obama speak about everything that is wrong with Mr. Jeremia Wright's latest diatribe.
I saw Mr. Obama smiling to himself in what I would describe a gloating fashion. The three instances werer as Obama came to point in his speech were he believed that his carefully crafted words were going to help him win back the respect of the American people.
This kind of self-congratulatory behavior concerns me. If you are trying to say the right thing just to asway how much can you be sincere? I think Mr. Wright is right. Mr. Obama is a politician.
I do not believe him. Again I will state that a good indicator of a person is her or his behavior. A twenty plus year relationship with someone who married you and performed the Christian baptism of your children is not a unconsequential relationship.
My other concern is what if Obama and Wright contrived this fight just to get Obama back in the good graces of the American public. I do believe that these two people are that devious and sinister.
Mr. Obama said that Wright's performance as of late angered and sadenned him. However, I did not see any physiological response in Obama that signify anger or sadness. There were no clenched fist. There was no wrinkled brow. There was no sweat from passion.
I just noticed no direct eye contact with the audience. I also noticed that sinister smile as he was closing a point and may of felt that he had managed to lie his way out of his troubles.
Then there is the content of his speech. In a complaining tone he spoke about how he has always stood for uniting people and he was runnning for president to unify America.
2000 and 2004 represented a big cannon ball landing on the liberal parade. For over 50 years these liberal democrats have been turning America into a "den on iniquity". Under the disguis of free speech they have chapioned pornography. Under the "right to privacy" they have promoted the murder of unborn children. Under the pretence of human rghts they have fought for homosexual rights.
In addition, during these years, they have been trying to restrict the religious rights of people who do not agree with them. Today, we live in an America were if a churh pastor quotes a Bible passage that homosexuals consider offensive that pastor can have criminal charges filed against him.
Therefore, it is my contention that the rift in America has more to do with liberal democrats thinking they control the American social agenda. Mr. George W. Bush is one man. However, he represents the views of alot of hard working people who practice personal responsibility and personal achievement.
This false idea that democrats are the only ones that understand Americans is very wrong. Okay republicans have abandoned conservatives. This does not mean that conservatives have become liberals or that conservatives have stopped existing.
There is no need for anyone who is not the parent responsible for a teen age girl to take that girl across state lines for an abortion without the knowledge or consent of the parent. Liberal democrats support this policy.
I do not believe that I will change my values just because Mr. Obama says he wants to unify. If he really wanted to unify he would listen to the majority of Americans who do not want to be taxed to death, have their parental rights taken away, and who value life.
It appears to me Obama's form of unity is "you all do what I say". I have not seen Mr. Obama praising values that contribute to personal success. All I heard today on Mr. Obama's speech was how Bush has betrayed the American people.
Mr Bush did not betray me. Terrosit attacked America and Mr. Bush gave the search and destroy order, which in my mind is correct. The airline and auto industry came to the White House looking for hand outs and Mr. Bush sent them packing. The democrats had over taxed the American tax payer and Mr. Bush returned the nation toprinciple of "no taxation without representation" by returning the money to those who paid it. People who did not pay taxes had no right to the surplus.
I know people dissagree. Every begger on the streets that asks me for a hand out copes a nasty attitude when I turn him down. It is like they think they have some special right to my money. You want money? Get a job and go to work!
Moreover, before, you judge me harshly I am forced to give to charity. I pay people's earn income credit on their taxes. I pay for people's food stamps. I pay for people's government housing. I pay for people's welfare. I pay for their unemployment, social security, medicaid/medicare, and work retraining program. Hence, I am being forced to support behaviors I do not agree with.
However, Mr. Obama thinks there is only one nation of betrayed liberals who Mr. Bush is subjugating to his tyrrany. Mr. Bush has done an excellent job of representing my values.
I do not see America as a nation in crisis, nor a nation that needs unity through liberal dominance. I believe that most of social ills are caused by liberal policies. It is not productive to excuse people from the mistakes they have made in life. It is not productive to excuse people from trying.
Therefore, Bush did not divide the nation. The nation is divided. It was time conservatives stood up and defended our piece of the pie.
In addition, this is not the time to sit back down. There is to much at stake. America, herself is in jeapordy. We cannot function under the perception that we can consume at will and there won't be any consequences. All behavior yeilds a consequence.
I can prouldy say that on May 5th I will make my last debt payment. After five long years I have paid everyone off. Did you get that. I paid everyone. In addition, now I have a healthy respect for money management.
The value of working hard to accomplish your dreams is a value I believe in. I have made no one poor. There is no virus in the air or water that makes people poor.
Yes but because Mr. Obama is threatened by personal empowerment through person accountability I am to change my values for the sake of Mr. Obama's unity and American crisis intervention.
Why is Mr. Obama threatened? He is threatened because people who take care of them selves have no need for him. Then there is no reason for him to exist. He has spent his life in this false vision of America and if it does not exist then who is he? Well that would be a nobody.
Sorry Mr. Obama I cannot afford your "crisis intervetion" and I will not betray my values.