I plan to write two simple profiles and then ask a question.
Ms. Hillary Clinton is a woman married to a "cheater" who has on occassion defended her husband for sake of politics. In addition, she has no real values and just tows the democrat philosophical line because thats what you do when you are a democrat. Moreover, she has no several occasions stretched the truth.
Mr. Borak Obama is a person associated with a 1970's radical and a black radical minister who has had made some very vile comments about America. Moreover, Obama considers wearing the American flag pin and holding his hand over his heart as a form of vain patriotism. Mr. Obama himself has been free with the lies.
Now, if you were to ask me "who would you choose a person who lies, has some troublesome politics, has a troubled private life, and who lies on occasion or a person who hangs out with anti-american radicals, who refuses to show any "traditional patriotism", has troublsome politics, and tries to hide his truths with lies", I would of course choose the person who is not blatant about his or her "anti-americanism".
See, Mr. Obama holding your hand over you heart and/or wearing the Flag pin is only an empty gesture is there isn't anything in your heart. No matter what others do, patriotism is an indiviudal expression measured by what lies in the human heart.
Individuals put their hands over their hearts and wear Flag pins to show their love for their country, not to be accepted by the group.