In speaking to Israel, the president of the United States was right. Obama, Hillary, and many democrats have espoused the idea that if we just leave the terrorist alone they would leave us alone. Obama, himself wants to sit down and have a heart to heart with a man who calls Israel the "little satan" and the US the "big satan", who must be destroyed.
What"s the matter Obama? Didn't you know that Iran's leadership is responsible for most of the world's terrorism. Everyone and their cat and dogs knows this fact. How in the world can you aspire to be president, if you are not aware of who exactly the world leaders of nations are in real life.
And as for Hillary's comments about we don't talk about we don't take our troubles to other nations, have democrats not been to meet with Hugo Chaves, Syria, Iran, and Iraq? In addition, wasn't your husband all over Europe talking about how bad America is in the world? Really! Get a clue before you speak.
Mr. Bush in addressing Israel was speaking about and attitude of appeasement that can be destructive. He did not mention Obama, nor any other democrat by name. Mr. Bush spoke of history, which is plain for anyone to see.
There are evil people in this world. Sometimes these evil people give you no option but to use your military. The US did not ask to be center of these radical's focus. However, sticking your head in the sand will guarantee you become barbequed ostrich.
I think the problem here is that Hillary and Obama are trying to win on an anti-Bush campaing. Here is some news for these two. Mr. Bush is not running in 2008. Moreover, McCain is about as left from Bush as possible. Bush never played politics in order to get elected. All I see from McCain is politics for the sake of winning.
Bush has principles and stands up for them. I don't see were Hillary, Obama, and McCain have the conviction of their beliefs.