I am going to tell you what is wrong with conservatives. You do not speak with a smile in your voice when you speak.
People are not war weary. They are tired of angry complainers. I listen to Bill Bennett, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'riely, Denis Miller, and Hanity. None of these people speak as if conservative is something good and joyfull. In my opinion, they spend their timing complaining about the democrats.
After listenning to these conservative talk radio host I want to shoot myself in the head.
I think what would help conservatives , talk show host or not, is a little better presentation. Make conservativism attractive.
Oh, and another thing. You want Obama in the White House, keep attacking him personally.
I think it would be more productive that we speak on Mr. Obama's stance on the issues.
We should be talking about how a so-called Christian believes in late term abortions, much less any abortion, for example. Christians do not support any kind of baby killing.
We can also talk about how Mr Obama does not know that the leadrship of Iran is filled with terrorist.
You did not say you would talk to terrorist. Well you said you would sit down and talk to Amadinajad and he is a terrorist, Mr. Obama.
Finally, in 2006 conservatives did not loose. Liberals disguized as conservatives won.
I think the one reason could be that many of us are making conservativism look bad.