I am sitting here thinking about what is all about. The United States of America is in the road to choosing a new president. The issues seen to be Mr. Bush lied, he is a dirty good for nothing, the wars are the reason for the economic crisis in America, and a democrat can undo all Mr. Bush did to make America a disaster.
If you hold these ideas then you have been very well brainwashed by the liberal-agenda driven, news media. Mr. Bush has not lied. In 1996, the United Nations weapon inspectors documented many of the biological and chemical weapons in Iraq. I do not see Mr. Sadam as having been a person who would invest a great sum of money in weapons and then flush them down the toilet. My concern has always been over where are these weapons. I know they existed and have great confidence Mr. Sadam did not destroy then. Therefore, the question is were are these weapons. As long as they exist they are a danger to all of us.
Now as for the economy it is only this beginning five months of 2008 that the US economy has slowed down. Before 2008 and even now the US is in great economic growth. We heard about the low dollar, high prices, and real estate slow down. However, the conniving news media has not reported that the dollar is on its way up, prices are high but people are making do, and just this week I heard that new homes construction has gone up to 25 percent in California.
My point is that there are people who have something to gain by manipulating the hearts and minds of Americans. I call them politicians. Now I have many shared values with the Republican party. However, I am more about what is right and true, then about winning for the sake of winning. My purpose is not to cheerlead for the Republican party.
Since 1996 they have not upheld their obligation to the values of economic and social conservativism. Of course my first concern is human life. Liberals get all up in arms over the plight of the poor, but they would kill an unborn child at the drop of a hat. Sex may be good, but Std's and pregnancies can arise from it.
Therefore, I could never have anything to do with a political party that supports the murder of the unborn. I am surprised that a person who calls himself a Christian can be a member of the democratic party.
Hence there in lies the problem. Liberals are so gun-ho about winning at any cost that they have adopted abortion as a cause just because it is anti-republican. I see democrats as people with no true values and who just cheerlead for the purpose of winning.
In addition, I have disclosed a lot of my personal life. If I write something, it is because I have lived it. What I have in life did not come from government hand outs. I value what I have. Therefore, I support president Bush in his policies in Afghanistan and Iraq. Unlike many who have turned from the president, I still defend him vigorously.
My support is not just because I want to win. I know the rewards that come from being in charge of your life and working for success. Some one convinced a lot of people that they could not do it without government help. Now these people are suffering from low self esteem and low drive. Why would you want to listen to any one who kills your self esteem and your passion for life. Do a "jobs" search on a Internet search engine and you will see how many jobs are out there in the real world. We are only as limited as our vision will allow us to see.
I think it is sad that none of the three contenders for the presidency have a grasp or firm understanding about what America is in the world. I once heard an immigrant in a news interview states America is great because it allows people to work at making their dreams come through. This interviewee added if you want to do it you can in America. Tell me how a person who was not born in America has a greater sense of the meaning of this nation, then the millions of government dependent people who have given up on them selves.
In addition, several weeks ago I was meditating on how I do not have a dog in this presidential dog fight. No way in hell I could support McCain. Never in my life would I support a democrat. However, I do have a dog in this fight. It is my life.
The actions of whoever, gets elected will effect how much I can accomplish. Democrat social initiatives are going to bankrupt this nation. Just do a simple net search of the Jimmy Carter years. In addition, the world is changing.
People in America do not mind if you want to sacrifice goats in your apartment, but some want to make Christianity illegal. The individual him or her self is moving away from marriage and parenting. A society with out families is not a strong society. A nation such as America with people who violate the principles that made this nation great can not continue to be a great nation.
The best place for governments is in their offices managing the people's money wisely, not in the public schools undoing the values American parents want to teach their children. I would not tell my children about homosexuals and other deviants. These behaviors are contrary to my beliefs.
Moreover, yes we have the right to exist and be left alone to live our lives our way. However that does not mean I have to turn my back on my beliefs. Your life practices do not diminish my morality. Furthermore, I am not going to grin and bear it as homosexuals parades come galloping through my neighborhood.
I say we keep the public square free of all perversions and illicit behavior. A while back the communist government of the city of stupid El Paso, Texas was trying to generate interest in activities such as Fat Tuesday that are common in New Orleans. I could not believe these idiots wanted the tax payers to fund lude and lascivious behavior. If people want to roam around New Orleans naked and skunk drunk that is their problem. I do not want to pay taxes so stupid el pasoans can go around showing their ugly fat bodies as they puke on the street.
However, that is our world. We have reached decadence and want to go lower. In addition, now that a new president is being chosen for the greatest nation on the planet, the people are of not great moral character and it shows in the politicians who get elected.
Let me see. Three days ago I was watching a news cast about a police station were officers have been video taped physically abusing arrestees. Several weeks ago fifteen or more officers were video taped kicking and punching suspects they have already restrained. Here in stupid El Paso, I tell every one to avoid the cops. There something wrong with those people. (cops)
In our news, One customs officer was arrested and charged with letting people import drugs through her check point. A border patrol officer was charged with taking payments of $500 per illegal entry person in order to allow them to pass through his check point. For some years now teachers and sub teachers keep making the news for sexually abusing their students.
Now, I do not want to say the world is coming apart. However, it sure looks that way. When people go vote, they do have to vote their conscience. However, many in the modern world do not have a conscience.
So here we are with three candidates willing to do anything to get elected and voters only concerned with their side winning. Sure looks bleak. I wonder if America will surpass this challenge.
I am sure of one thing. If I am the last man standing between America and her enemies, I will defend her until I have exhaled my last breath.