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What do you believe in when you live in a society that values nothing? I work in an industry plagued by people with no morality and respect for business. However, I have stated many times that it is not my business how much cab drivers in downtown el paso charge the customer.
The city of stupid el paso texas thinks it has the right to set the prices for the service self-employed cab drivers working in private industry provide to the public. In fact, most people think that they know how much taxi service should cost. Well, it is our business and the correct price is the price the seller asks for, not what the consumer thinks.
My dilemma is that I am surrounded by men of 50 plus years who behave like 15 year old hard core gang members. Their business plan is we are going to take the trip even if we are not first in line and we are going to charge what we want no matter what anyone says. Again none of these is my problem except that these people think I am going to let them steal from me and not say anything.
Now the communist government of el paso provides taxi inspectors. However, these four inspectors only know how to cash their paychecks. Rarely do they post them selves at the taxi stand long enough to discourage these cab drives from their gang like behaviors.
These people are receiving a paycheck they should do the job. Everyone who takes a job and the money should do the job. However, these individuals answer to anything is to play politics with issues. Every time I make a cab driver who wants to charge what he is not suppose to leave the line the majority go running to the taxi inspectors crying about how I am harassing them.
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My response is well they are charging what city ordinance says they cannot. The taxi inspectors just shrug their shoulders. Now there is a war between me , the other cab drivers, and the taxi inspectors. Cab drivers in el paso for the most part are low-lifes with no morality what so ever. However, taxi inspectors are city employees with responsibilities who should be doing their job regardless of their personal opinions.
My other option is the police. However, is el paso the police officers believe they are only going to enforce the laws that appeal to them. Most of the time a person calls them for assistance, if it is something the cops do not want to do, they make the person complaining the problem and start harassingly them. By harassing I mean yelling at the person, insulting the person with bad words, provoking the person to do something that will get him or her in trouble, and even filing false charges.
This brings me to my central point. Systems in society do not function. I am sure we all have complaints about government workers not working. Today, however it is critical. When police officers think they do not have to respond to cries for help from the public, criminals run wild. Then people start taking the law in to their own hands.
Before, you know it you have full blown anarchy. Several years ago the city of stupid el paso installed cameras at red lights to catch people who run red lights. Even with big signs that say "camera enforced", on average 5000 people run these red lights a month.
That is the human condition. It is my way no matter what any one thinks. In Obama and McCain we see two people with the "it's my way" mentality. I cannot trust McCain because in my opinion he will say or do anything to get elected. I do not respect Obama because he supports the murder of the unborn and cannot see that people's poverty is the result of people's own actions.
No one makes any one poor. In the land of opportunity no one has an excuse for failing. However, we allows our selves to be convinced that only one kind of life will do for us. In addition, if we do not get that life we throw a tantrum and refuse to work at anything.
Is this really behavior government should be encouraging? I see it as unproductive. Facilitating people's poor attitude will not solve poverty it will only increase it. When a person has been beat up by parents, siblings, and life, any excuse to give up will do.
This is a critical time in America. Parents are excusing them selves from their responsibility to educate their children. The end result is people who respect nothing and work hard at destroying everything. These type of people cannot make quality choices about the leadership of the most important country in the world.
Petty politics will harm the US. We have to go beyond a sense of "I have to help my guy win". The correct choice is a person who can lead with vision and honor. I contend that it is wrong to turn over the spoils of success to people who have proven they only know how to fail.
It is better for everyone to know that the way to provide for one's self is through work. I guess this is the determining factor for me in choosing between McCain and Obama. McCain will not interfere with free market economy which creates the jobs people need to earn money to feed themselves.
I know McCain has been talking about regulating CEO's salaries. This is wrong and very unlikely that McCain would try to actually interfere in the salaries of Americans.
Obama on the other hand has told us all that he plans to tax and spend. Obama wants universal healthcare. He wants to bail out people who bought more home that they could afford. He wants to help the jobless and homeless. In addition, he wants to help anyone who has ever suffered and been done wrong by life.
This is not the job of government. Government is only suppose to be in charge of basic services like garbage collection, police, fire, medical, and military. It is not the job of government to gift a life to everyone.
Furthermore, the majority of Americans are hard working and productive citizens. Again, I will state that only around 15 percent of American population represent people who cannot provide for them selves. The other 85 percent chooses to work.
In addition, many people are poor money managers. Every day in America people are choosing to get into credit card debt. Is this my problem? Should I be forced to pay their bills? Furthermore, isn't freeing these people from their responsibilities only encouraging their bad behaviors. When will people learn to be personally responsible, if government keeps bailing them out everything they mess up their lives?
Moreover, in these critical times can we afford to generate more people with a bad attitude who only want to destroy? Many years ago I wrote about how our generation is not the last generation. I see thousands of years still ahead for humanity.
If the human race keeps going in the direction it is going life will not have any value. However, life always has value and we have to defend it with quality choices, not our bad attitude and desire to destroy.
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