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I am sitting here in my taxi listening to Bill Bennett's Morning in America through the KRLA 870 radio web site. The point that got me was Mr. Bennett reporting that Mr. Obama voted against a bill that would protect a baby's life if that child is born during a "late term partial birth abortion" procedure. This means that if when a doctor is doing a partial birth abortion procedure and the child is completely born the doctor can let that child die. What can you say about a person, Mr. Obama, who thinks this is correct?
Another issue with Mr. Obama is that he has chosen to opt out of the public funding program. I always wondered what that "do you want to give a dollar to the presidential campaign" on my tax form meant. Now I know.
The issues here of course are lying and wanting the advantage of having lots of money. Mr. Obama said he would use public funds. By doing so he and Mr McCain would be limited to 80 million available to each candidate. However, Mr. Obama saw that it would be more beneficial to have more than 80 billion and turned his back on the idea that money corrupts political campaigns.
In addition, I have been listening to the new interest in drilling in areas protected by government. My opinion is simple. Burning fossil fuels harms people and allows unscrupulous greedy people to financially abuse people. The challenge of oil high prices has fueled new technology that can separate us from a product that poisons the environment and allows greedy people to steal our hard earned money.
Oil exploration in America will be a little to late and a continuous practice of contamination. It will take time to find and develop this oil. It is not a final solution because even that oil will run out. Therefore, instead of investing in hydrogen fuel cell cars, which can separate us completely from oil companies, we are going to invest in developing an oil source that is limited, will continue poisoning the planet, and allow oil companies to have us over a financial barrel.
My last thought for today is that even though we have no respect for McCain we have to help him win because Obama is just to dangerous for the country.
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